UN suspends negotiations over Libya as violence rages


Since the overthrow of former dictator Moammar Gaddafi, a bewildering number of militias have sprung up in Libya. By Mahmud TURKIA (AFP)

Since the overthrow of former dictator Moammar Gaddafi, a bewildering number of militias have sprung up in Libya. By Mahmud TURKIA (AFP)

The UN on Tuesday postponed the holding of a Libyan national conference to develop a road map for the elections because of the fighting raging near the capital, which is another setback for the efforts of the UN. peace.

This decision comes as the warring parties of the North African country face growing international pressure to end the violence that has led to the flight of thousands of people and the deaths of dozens of people.

"We can not ask people to participate in the conference during gunfire and air strikes," said United Nations envoy Ghbadan Salame.

He expressed the hope that the meeting, scheduled for next week, would take place "as soon as possible".

UN leader Antonio Guterres has called for an "immediate halt" to hostilities, after the only operational airport in Tripoli was struck on Monday by an air strike by strong human forces Khalifa Haftar .

A detailed map of Tripoli locating areas affected by airstrikes and areas of potential conflict, according to data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. By Paz PIZARRO (AFP) A detailed map of Tripoli locating areas affected by airstrikes and areas of potential conflict, according to data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. By Paz PIZARRO (AFP)

After a night lull, fighting resumed Tuesday morning south of the city, said a security source.

The oil-rich country has been rocked by violent power struggles between many armed groups since the overthrow of dictator Moammar Gaddafi, backed by NATO, in 2011.

The UN-backed national government (GNA) controls the capital, but its authority is not recognized by a parallel administration in the east of the country, allied with Haftar.

The forces of the strong man, who launched a surprise offensive on the Libyan capital last week, claimed responsibility for Monday's aerial bombing at Mitiga airport. He made no casualties, but left a crater one meter deep on a track.

Salame said the attack "constitutes a serious violation of international humanitarian law that prohibits attacks on civilian infrastructure."

Thousands of displaced people

The flights were suspended Monday, but the airport should reopen its night flights only late Tuesday.

Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al Sarraj, backed by the United Nations, is involved in a power struggle with former Gaddafi commander, strongman Khalifa Haftar. By FETHI BELAID, HO (AFP) Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al Sarraj, backed by the United Nations, is involved in a power struggle with former Gaddafi commander, strongman Khalifa Haftar. By FETHI BELAID, HO (AFP)

Since the start of its blitz on Tripoli last Thursday, Hafter has challenged international calls to stop ahead, including the United Nations Security Council and the United States.

The Ministry of Health of the Union Government estimated Monday at 35 the number of deaths in the fighting. Haftar's forces said 14 of their fighters were dead.

The UN said the clashes had displaced about 3,400 people.

French President Emmanuel Macron met with GNA leader Fayez al-Sarraj to express his "total opposition to the offensive against the capital and endangering the lives of civilians". announced the union government.

The French Presidency said in a statement that Macron had also been in contact with Haftar and, in his appeals, declared himself "deeply concerned about the latest developments", adding that it was "imperative" to put immediately end the fighting.

International efforts to end the Libyan conflict have failed several times.

The rival leaders agreed last year to hold elections before December 10, 2018 as part of a French plan, but this vote never materialized.

The national conference, to be held from April 14 to 16 in the central city of Ghadames, aimed to set the dates for the legislative and presidential elections and prepare a new constitution.

Global powers divided

Haftar is a former Gaddafi military leader who has become a major player in the political struggle in Libya.

Having taken control of much of eastern Libya – and driven by a series of victories in the southern desert – he turned to Tripoli, swearing to "cleanse" her of "terrorists" and mercenaries ".

Its offensive threatens to plunge the country into a full-fledged civil war and has highlighted divisions between world powers over how to end the chaos that has reigned in Libya since 2011.

Forces loyal to the government of the Libyan National Accord, supported by the UN, monitor the entrance to the former airport of Tripoli, destroyed in 2014. By Mahmud TURKIA (AFP) Forces loyal to the government of the Libyan National Accord, supported by the UN, monitor the entrance to the former airport of Tripoli, destroyed in 2014. By Mahmud TURKIA (AFP)

Haftar, whose main allies are the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and, increasingly, Saudi Arabia, is at the heart of the fight. Its regional opponent, Qatar, as well as Turkey, the main supporter of Doha, strongly oppose it.

Russia has meanwhile said it will not take sides in the fighting in Libya, but behind the scenes, experts say, Moscow strongly supports Haftar.

"Haftar is ideologically close to Russia," said badyst Alexander Shumilin of the Center for Conflict Analysis in the Middle East in Moscow.

"He receives Russian weapons and takes them with pleasure.It is the man from Moscow," he said.

On the other side of the fight, the government of Sarraj, supported by the UN, retains substantial support from the former colonial power, Italy.

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