Understanding flotation therapy (the mechanisms behind REST)


Based on
observations and empirical evidence presented by
clinical tests
floatation therapy works towards
heal the human body at different levels. One of the main
The elements that make flotation therapy effective are directly attributable to the
increased blood flow. As a result, all our major bodies receive
more oxygen than usual, which allows these organs to operate at optimal levels.

Studies show that even heart disease and hypertension are relieved enough
significantly after flotation therapy sessions. However, because of variations
results, it's a difficult climb to place quantitative numbers on these
results (different people react differently to this treatment).

Others more
obvious results were the fact that subjects who undergo floatation
tank therapy
secrete endorphins and dopamine
which are most often related to exercise. This is why "floats" tend to
Feel euphoric after the sessions, providing relief from pain and stress.

What does the flotation treatment look like?

about 5 kg of Epsom salt in your bathtub can give you a rough idea of ​​the flotation
therapy; However, flotation therapy involves a little more than just

It means
that individuals are not simply subject to flotation, but also prevented from
trigger their natural sensory apparatus to pick up and feed
information to the brain. In a float tank / typical float boat,
customers are made to relax and suspended in a solution of liquid Epsom salt that is
heated to skin temperature (about 93 degrees).

While the
salinity prevents the body from sinking and floats effortlessly, the pod itself
prevents sound, sight, smell and heat from "disturbing the mind". In most of the cases,
the floating bodies are equipped with ear plugs and the pod is dark enough for intentionally
create an environment that places the body in a coma easily recoverable. It is
during this period, theta brainwaves bend and do magic.

Documented results

compiled over the past decade a series of data on the positive effects of
float therapy that varied in its impact on physical and mental illnesses
and as well as the execution of the routine. The results were nothing short of

The data
strongly indicates that flotation therapy helps people who have physical
wounds heal faster, especially internal wounds (most sports injuries).
Apart from this, the therapy has also proved effective against the
curbing those who have trouble sleeping (insomnia), those who suffer
stress and anxiety.

specialized practitioners in athletes came to recognize the fact that
floatation therapy improves athletic performance, particularly with respect to
sports activities requiring visuo-motor coordination.

How it works

the mechanics of float therapy is actually quite simple. Basically, when a
individual goes for a float tank session, he or she
encourages their brains to fall into the frequency of theta brain wave state,
in this state, it is known that complex problems or problems are synthesized.

that, the atmosphere of vacuum by gravity greatly improves the blood circulation that
not only speeds recovery, but also improves concentration and creativity.
By going to the floaters session once or twice a week, people can get
in a state of deep relaxation or in a state of "twilight" which is essentially a level
of consciousness that is very similar to daydreaming. Finally, there is the
suppression of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which is
always good for us.

flotation tankFloatation TherapyFloatation-REST ExperienceFlorating Mindsisolation TankSensory Prprivation Therapy

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