Unemployment slowly decreases


As the nation's thermometers continue their steady rise, the French unemployment rate is slowly decreasing.

According to the centrist daily The worldIn the three months to the end of June, the number of French people without any work decreased by 16,800.

Unfortunately, more than three and a half million people are still looking for a full-time job.

And younger job seekers under the age of 25 show a slight increase over the three months in question, although the situation improves for those under 25 considered in the past year.

More part time, less security
On the less positive side, there has been an increase in the ranks of the unemployed in category C. These are the people who are entitled to a reduced level of social security benefits because they worked for 72 hours in the last month.

Their number has increased by almost 2% over the year, evidence, according to the unions, that employers are not shy about proposing short term contracts to those whose market situation in the United States. employment is already precarious.

Good news in the long run
If current forecasts from the Department of Employment prove realistic, the percentage of unemployed people across the country could be reduced to 8.3% by the end of the year. year.

This would be the lowest level since the end of 2008.

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