UNIDO partner governments to boost industrial development


News from Saturday, March 30, 2019

Source: 3news.com


Alan Unido Trade Minister Alan Kyeyrematen photographed signing agreement with UNIDO

The government has signed an agreement with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to boost industrial development, trade competitiveness and exports in Ghana.

The program of more than 27 million euros is expected to be implemented from 2019 to 2022 and will also help Ghana to mobilize additional investments by facilitating the mobilization of partners and resources to gain greater impact on development.

The country program (CP), which will provide the frame of reference for UNIDO's technical cooperation activities with Ghana, is aligned with the national development agenda, including Ghana beyond the country level. Help, vision 2020 and focuses on sectors with high growth potential to achieve the SDGs.

It will also help create synergies and help Ghana mobilize additional investment by facilitating the mobilization of partners and resources to achieve greater development impact.

Alan Kyerematen, Director General of UNIDO and Minister of Trade and Industry, said that the implementation of such programs stimulated the industrialization of the government.

UNIDO Director General LI Yong said the organization will continue to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development in Ghana.

The agreement that will be implemented as part of the competitiveness program for West Africa also aims to improve the performance and growth of certain value chains.

It will build on recent EU support for competitiveness issues, capitalize on lessons learned and complement ongoing interventions in Ghana.

The two signed agreements were developed based on the government's priority areas and experiences from implementing similar programs.

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