UNITE HERE Online restaurant workers in 13 cities vote almost unanimously in favor of the strike, when and if they are released


NEW YORK, June 16, 2019 / PRNewswire / – UNITE HERE In thirteen cities, collective catering workers voted to authorize the strike if the National Council of Mediation allowed them to do so. Strike votes were unanimous or almost unanimous in each city. These caterers are subcontractors responsible for providing catering services to American, Delta and United Airlines at airports across the country. Eight more cities will take strike votes next week from Monday June 17th.

"Across the country, this week, catering workers at UNITE HERE airlines have decided not to continue to accept poverty wages, to rely on government badistance because of the seriousness of the problems of their employer and work as much as possible in the hope that they will not end up homeless, "said D. Taylor, International President of UNITE ICI. "American, Delta and United Airlines are making record profits and have the fundamental responsibility to ensure that our members who do the work necessary to get their planes off do not live in poverty anymore." We hope the strength of these votes a message It is clear to the industry that the terms and conditions of employment must change and that it is clear that UNITE HERE will make every effort necessary under the law to create a single job for air catering workers. "

During the past week, votes have taken place Boston, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Orlando, Philadelphia cream, Seattle, San Francisco, Tampa, and Washington DC.

At the end of the vote, UNITE HERE caterers will begin informative picketing at major airports. In July, UNITE HERE will formally request the National Mediation Commission to strike, which would be followed by a 30-day reflection period, if granted. UNITE HERE is ready to go on strike whenever it becomes legal.

UNITE HERE represents more than 270,000 members working in the hospitality, gaming, restaurant, manufacturing, textile, distribution, laundry, transportation, and airport sectors in the United States and Canada. North America. Canada. Learn more about www.unitehere.org


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