United Kingdom divided as ever after the deadline that was not


This day was to be the first day of Britain after Brexit – March 29, long touted by many as the "Independence Day". With the extension of the divorce deadline, the uncertainty continues to divide. The British are increasingly anxious – and even angry – for Leave voters to mark the "day of Brexit betrayal".

Nearly three years after the division referendum that saw 52% of voters leaving the EU, British MPs do not know how and even if the UK can leave the bloc appropriately.

The deputies on Friday rejected for the third time the divorce agreement of Prime Minister Theresa May, paving the way for a long delay for Brexit, or for a potentially catastrophic withdrawal of the type "not agree" in two weeks.

The EU reacted by convening an emergency meeting on April 10, but warned that a scenario of lack of agreement is becoming more likely.

The pound fell below the 1.30 USD after the announcement of the last defeat in May. The single European currency has reached 86.50 pence.

Betrayal of Brexit

Thousands of voters gathered in front of Parliament in London Friday to express their anger at what they described as a "betrayal", holding placards stating: "Confidence in politicians is dead".

"There have been political quibbles and obscurations on the part of a group of rich idiots who are not doing their job," Abbott told AFP.

Aged 37, he left Nottingham in the Midlands to join the protest.

At the same time, the anti-Brexit campaign group "Border Communities Against Brexit" has scheduled further protests in Newry, Northern Ireland on Saturday.

Local MLP Conor Murphy said on the Newry.IE website: "People across society have clearly expressed their opposition to Brexit … We are at a crucial moment in the Brexit process. It is important that people make their voices heard and send a clear signal to the British government. "

Expected transport delays

French customs officials continue their collective action this weekend at the Eurostar train terminal in Paris.

The strike, which began on March 4, is currently open. The union is demanding more pay to justify the extra checks it will have to make when Britain leaves the EU.

There are reduced services and delays to be expected between Paris and London.

French ferry company Brittany Ferries on Friday launched the first of its additional services in the form of a contract to ship critical products to Britain in the event of a Brexit without agreement.

The company will make an additional 20 weekly crossings into the English Channel for the transport of essential goods such as medicines and relieve the pressure on Dover, the busiest port in the Channel, in case of Brexit without agreement.

At the same time, a newly built "Brexit Buster" cargo ship will depart for the first time from Dublin on Friday to the Belgian port of Zeebrugge, allowing Irish exporters to Europe to bypbad Britain if necessary.

Take the temperature aboard a Brexit bus

An Italian anthropologist is touring London in a red double-decker bus in an effort to capture the capital's opinion of Brexit in the middle of a crisis.

Domenico Sergi, 39, said that during his research for the Museum of London, many interviewees admit to suffering "fatigue".

"Brexit Talks" is part of a four-year program organized by Curating London and funded by the Canada Council. Sergi hopes that he will educate future generations of Londoners at a historic moment in the history of the city.

"People feel overwhelmed by public discussion and are a bit puzzled about the confusion that reigns around them," AFP told AFP during a visit to Brunel University. , located in the constituency of Boris Johnson, High Representative of the Conservative Brexiteer.

Evenings "No Brexit" and taste

The bars and clubs of London, dominated by Rest of the South, organized Friday many parties on the Brexit to celebrate the non-event.

A club located in Bethnal Green, in the east of the capital, promised a "Brexit bonkers cabaret" with appearances of characters such as "Monster May".

Elsewhere, the Anglican Church has invited parishioners to sit around a cup of tea and discuss the weekend to try to create a unity.

Appropriate Bible pbadages and newly composed prayers will be chosen under the slogan "Together" to encourage the faithful to make their point of view known about leaving the European Union.

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