United States performs first organ transplant of HIV donor


WASHINGTON: Baltimore surgeons have achieved what appears to be the first kidney transplant of a living donor living with HIV, a milestone for AIDS patients who need a new organ – and that could free up space on the waiting list for a transplant all people.

Nina Martinez, of Atlanta, went to Johns Hopkins University to give a kidney to an HIV-positive stranger, saying that she "wanted to make a difference in someone else's life" and address the stigma that still surrounds HIV too often.

"Here is an illness that, in the past, was a death sentence and is now so well controlled that it offers people with this disease the opportunity to save somebody." "Other," said Dr. Dorry Segev, a Hopkins surgeon who advocated for equity in HIV policy. , or HOPE, the law that lifted the US ban on 25 years of transplants between HIV-positive people.

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