Universal Health Coverage; where is Ghana?


Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is the most important concept of public health coverage. It is the concept of providing financial services for all. Some school of English is taught in French and English.

Financing healthcare should be considered as an investment and not cost because of the benefits of investing in health (20) times greater than any cost incurred. At different stages of our lives, we all need health services. The Ghanaian health system is confronted with the dual burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases and a more common non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases are on the rise. warning complications

Universal health is an essential element of sustainable development. China, Mexico, Oman, Rwanda, Thailand, and Turkey are the few countries that have achieved UHC, Ghana and other countries should work towards this hallmark. Experiences from these countries can serve as a starting point for countries beginning of Ghana.

Ghana should seriously consider three dimensions of UHC

  1. Population (what percentage of the population is covered)
  2. Quality of services (what is the variety and quality of services covered)
  3. Direct costs are paid for

Who is covered / population coverage: China with 20% of the world 's population is one of the best places to look for as many people as possible. Within a few years, 172million previously had been brought into the China Health Insurance Scheme and in rural areas, coverage had increased from 10% to 97%. They invested 10.7billion USD to build 2,400 country level hospitals since 2009 and over 40,000 grbadroots medical services facilities in order to provide more accessible, convenient and affordable healthcare. In places like Oman, a large proportion of the health budget goes to hospital care and treatment of chronic and expensive diseases. Our health centers should focus on prevention and early diagnosis. The WHO estimates that healthcare costs prevent 1billion people from seeking global care and pushes 100million people into poverty. One-third of Southeast Asia and Africa are forced to borrow money or sell badets to pay for healthcare.

Services covered and level of quality: ensuring access to quality care should be a policy objective and the NHIS should ensure a comprehensive health care package. There should be effective access to high-quality health services by the population. These diseases require long-term treatment such as diabetes and cancer. Our insurance plans should be expanded to meet these needs. Lives become stressful on both acute and chronic diseases. Most of the population does not have money to pay for the needs of these diseases in the long-term. Due to high costs, one-third of patients drop out of treatment or do not even start or until it's very late. In the last ten years, Turkey has increased coverage to 98% of its services. In addition to hospital care, health coverage included

countries. Our mother and child health programs are showing impacts, we need to intensify the efforts and invest in these areas. We need to find innovative ways to meet these challenges.

Direct Costs: The major challenge on the journey to UHC is how to cover the cost; the proportion of costs covered. In Rwanda, 55% of their budget is managed to the community level and made to specific health targets. We should be aware of the situation and should be aware of the situation. How can we cover the insurance premiums of the poorest population? In Rwanda, the government covers the insurance premiums for the poorest constituting 25% of the population. Coverage has increased from 7% to 97% in Rwanda in the last decade and life expectancies (58years in 2006), increased by ten years (68years in 2016), (WHO, 2018). Malaria-related mortalities have also dropped by two-thirds and neonatal mortality has been halved.

The road to UHC for all countries depends on one's size and fits-all model for achieving UHC. Their antecedents, their health systems capacity, values, constraints, opportunities and ability and speed in terms of coverage and coverage to move over time.

The essential ingredient in these conditions is to provide a comprehensive approach to the prevention of allergic diseases. It's a necessary step every country can take care of and provide services to everyone. It makes healthcare affordable and makes many more people live healthy and longer.

Annually, 100million (WHO, 2017) are driven to poverty because of the cost of taking care of patients. There are catastrophic outcomes. The WHO estimates that about 150million world catastrophic healthcare annual. In many instances, high out of pocket payments are a result of low government spending. But in countries where UHC is operational, there is equitable access; everyone is covered, affordable and minimum financial ruin. Three main challenges to UHC as reported by the WHO are insufficient funding, inefficiency, and reliance on out of pocket payments. Ghana has adopted a health financing strategy to propel the level of progress toward UHC. To achieve a breakthrough, we need to relook the subsidy base of our NHIS.

Equity measures to ensure a safety net for the poor should be established by paying for their healthcare and providing transportation and food subsidies. This is a pro-poor health financing strategy just like the NHIS is meant to be. Its main objective should be to reduce the cost of living by the poverty line (poor). When they are sick and seeking care, they are put into insecure positions because they face a double burden of losing health and money.

The efficient use of scarce resources The WHO estimated that between 20% and 40% of all healthcare expenditures is spent through the use of these types of medicines. Medicines account for 65% of hospital expenditure in some countries or 40% of total health expenditure. More money for health and health care.

UHC can not be achieved in isolation from other social health determinants such as education and income. By investing in health and education, we are improving the quality of lives of the beneficiaries. Requirements for a health insurance scheme for the health care of a child or for the health of a child or for the health of a child.

UHC is vital for economic growth, security, and social solidarity. To let the public know that achieving UHC is not a dream but a realistic goal. , OOP (out of pocket payment) and more efficient and equitable health financing systems than UHC support. With these, we can always wake up having a better day, productive, healthier and feeling financially secure.

UHC is 100% achievable to everyone everywhere. To make a reality, we need to be fully funded, health and safety of the system, accountability, access to water and sanitation, adequate nutrition, and other social determinants of health, peace and security , and civil society engagement. Health is a fundamental human right. A healthy population ensures a prosperous nation and therefore we need to ensure full funding, strong health systems and equitable access to achieve UHC.

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