University don raises red flags on students hiring corporate services, individuals to write memoirs


General News of Sunday, March 31, 2019



Radford Uni Boss Executive President of Radford University (R) Takes Note of Dr. Paul Effah's Presentation

Dr. Paul Effah, president of Radford University College, said he is concerned by an emerging practice in higher education institutions, whereby students hire and pay individuals and organizations for what they do. write their memoirs and essays.

The trend, he said, is a worrying phenomenon around the world that must be stopped before becoming insensitive.

"I wish to use this medium to draw attention to an emerging and worrisome phenomenon of higher education around the world.This is what we called" the test Mills ".

"Recent studies have confirmed the phenomenon of outsourcing students written by companies to write their dissertations and dissertations.It worsens and becomes a major concern in the higher education sector. in the world, "he said.

Dr. Effah said this Saturday at the sixth badembly and the tenth registration of Radford University College in Accra.

According to Emmanuel Bonney, of Graphic Online, who was attending the ceremony, Mr. Effah said that Philip Newton, of the University of Swansea in the UK, had calculated that one in seven students in the world had paid for work and that 31 million students had used the services of a processing plant.

"Only in the UK, it has been discovered that hundreds of contract cheats are in operation and that about 17,000 students have been arrested for using their services," he said. .

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