Unknown or unexplained source of funds – One of the main reasons why Africans are denied British visas


General News of Monday, June 3, 2019

Source: Vincent Febiri


British Visa 1 Going to the UK as a visitor is not a problem

Visitor visas are increasingly denied visitor visas by many Ghanaians and other Africans intending to travel briefly to the UK for tourism, family or specific events. . One of the most important reasons is related to the "source of financing" of the corresponding bank accounts. .

One mistakenly thinks that the more money one has in one's bank account, the greater the likelihood of getting a UK visitor visa. This is not quite true, or even not at all.

When my wife (then girlfriend) visited me in the UK for a vacation in Ghana about 2 years ago, she earned 700 GHS (about £ 103) a month. Yet she got a visitor visa – no problem. His closing balance was not huge.

Of course, I was the person who sponsored her. But it is not the decision-makers or the ECOs who are concerned about the sponsor's income or financial situation, it is the financial situation of the person who plans to surrender. UK.

The financial / economic situation of a person seeking a British visitor's visa is only one aspect of what is known as the "close ties" that an individual retains in his home country.

While CEOs have a wide margin of discretion with respect to visitor visas, their decisions should be in accordance with the guidelines or policies of the Law and Home Office.

In the case of Sawmynaden (Family Visitors – considerations) [2012] UKUT 00161 (IAC), the court found that, when badessing eligibility for an entry, an entry permit or an additional residence permit as a visitor, the admissions officer had to take into account relevant factors such as the links he maintains with his country. of residence.

A person seeking a visitor visa must adequately demonstrate that they have a strong financial / economic relationship with Ghana. Similarly, the person must prove that she has sufficient family and social ties – so that it would be unreasonable, given the evidence, on a balance of probabilities, that a CEO concludes that when he goes to the UK he will not return to the UK. his country of residence.

The demonstration of financial / economic links depends on your status in your country of origin. If you are employed, self-employed or retired, this must be demonstrated differently. Most of the time, employees provide employer employment letters, pay slips and bank statements to confirm the monthly receipt of employment income shown.

For those who are self-employed, they generally provide their registration documents, contracts, invoices, tax payment documents and bank statements, either in their own name or in their business names.

The problem arises when you carefully examine the statements of the bank accounts provided, which is one of the main reasons why visitor visas are refused. For example, when a person declares a job and earns 2,500 GHS per month and relies on the above-mentioned employment documents, the CEO expects to see ONLY a corresponding monthly salary on his bank account.

But with several refusals from Ghanaians, ECOs say that even if they recognize the monthly income reported in the bank account statement provided, they also see other large deposits whose source is unexplained or unknown. Therefore, the CEOs conclude that they are not convinced that the applicants have accurately described their financial and personal situation in Ghana.

Here, it is obvious that the applicant has money in his bank account. The problem is, where does the money come from?

CEOs are not only interested in the closing balance of the applicant's bank account but they review the return to determine the origin of each (large) deposit or (material) transfer. In the absence of an acceptable explanation with proof of the source of any deposit, applicants are denied – for not having indicated the source of the funds in their bank accounts.
In the United Kingdom or in most Western countries, it is unconventional to deposit money in someone else's bank account or to run money on their account. It is therefore questionable whether large deposits or transfers, other than salaries guaranteed by pay slips, enter a person's bank account without a reasonable explanation.

The applicable immigration rule, Schedule V: Visitor Rules, V 4.2 (e) states that you must "have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs badociated with their visit without working or accessing public funds. This includes the cost of the return or return trip, the cost of dependents and the cost of planned activities such as private medical treatment. "

To meet the above requirement, you must also indicate the source of the funds in your bank account that you submit. Any deposits or irregular activity in your bank account for the period presented must be explained to the satisfaction of the CEO.

That means, do not deposit funds in your bank account, purposefully for a visa or to deceive the CEO into believing that your financial situation is excellent when it is not. You will be caught and refused.

You are probably wondering how much is a reasonable amount to display. The answer is that it depends – but what's important is the activities in your bank account and the image it gives of your finances.

Many people mistakenly think that the British government does not want people to visit the UK. This is not true. The United Kingdom draws a lot of money from foreigners who come to visit it and, therefore, they want you to visit the United Kingdom.
It has been reported that 37.6 million overseas visitors came to the UK in 2016 and spent £ 22.5 billion. That's a lot of money and the British government wants more.

Therefore, coming to the UK as a visitor is not a problem. The UK government and every ECO are worried about whether the person would return to his home country after the visit if he got a visa.

Many people told the CEOs that they intended to go briefly to the UK, to return to their country and never return, as indicated. It is not enough to say that you swear by God or Zeus that you will return to Ghana or wherever you live after your visit to the United Kingdom.

An ECO needs more than your words and this is where, in evaluating your application, an ECO will consider your social, economic / financial and family ties with your country of residence. And you must demonstrate these links.

Free legal advice:

A large number of people intending to travel to the UK are generally denied visas because they are unable to convince or convince the CEOs that they are genuine visitors. Indeed, their intention is simply to visit, they will return to their country after visiting it and they have the financial capacity to afford the trip and stay in the UK.

As explained above, the mere fact of having funds in your bank account does not prove that you meet the financial requirements – the source of the funds must be indicated satisfactorily and the funds, including the expenses you have planned for your visit, must be proportionate to the economic / financial situation you have indicated. .

The most important elements to respect, for a British visitor visa, are described below, from the immigration rules, as follows:

True intention to visit …

V 4.2 The applicant must convince the decision maker that he is a genuine visitor. This means that the applicant:

1. (a) leave the United Kingdom at the end of their visit; and
2. (b) will not live in the United Kingdom for extended periods of time during frequent or successive visits, or make the United Kingdom their principal residence; and
3. (c) genuinely seeks to enter a purpose permitted by the visiting routes (these are listed in Annexes 3, 4 and 5); and
4. (d) will not perform any of the prohibited activities described in V 4.5 – V 4.10; and
5. (e) have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs badociated with their visit without working or accessing public funds. This includes the cost of the return or return trip, the cost of dependents and the cost of planned activities such as private medical treatment.


If you have recently (in the last 3 months) refused a UK visitor visa and wish to dispute the decision because it is unreasonable or if you intend to apply for a visa / leave in the UK, we can do it for you at Adukus Lawyers.

You can call us at +447837576037 (Direct / Whatsapp). Alternatively, E-mail: [email protected]

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