Unusual path for this potentially life-threatening infection, which can also be passed on to people – ScienceDaily


Veterinary professionals fired the alarm this week Veterinary record after treating the first British case of a dog with a life-threatening infection, leishmaniasis, which would have been transmitted by another dog, rather than a trip to a region where the infection is endemic.

Canine leishmaniasis is caused by the parasite Leishmania infantum, carried by the sandfly and transmitted in its bite. It's zoonotic, so can be pbaded on to people.

Dogs are known to contract the infection after being bitten or injured by another infected dog. But until now, this has not been reported in the UK, where cases have been badociated with blood transfusion, breeding programs or trips abroad.

A 3 year old male, a sterilized male shih tzu, who was with his owner from a puppy and had none of the known risk factors for infection, was nevertheless diagnosed with leishmaniasis in Hertfordshire.

According to the authors, the transmission would be from dog to dog, because another dog imported from Spain had been shot six months earlier after developing severe leishmaniasis.

"To the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of leishmaniasis in the UK in a dog with no history of travel to an endemic area," they write, adding that a Increased vigilance was now required to prevent the spread of infection. .

"At the time of foreign travel and dog import into the UK, it is likely that the number of dogs infected with HIV will continue to increase," warns. they.

"Dogs infected with leishmania may be at risk of infection for other dogs, even in the absence of natural vectors, as direct transmission between dogs is possible," they add.

A second case of canine leishmaniasis in a dog with no obvious risk factor has also been found in another part of the United Kingdom.

In a letter recently published in Veterinary record, veterinarians describe the case of a fully vaccinated 3 year old male sterilized English pointer who was finally diagnosed with leishmaniasis.

The dog had never traveled outside of the United Kingdom or the borders of Esbad where he lived. But its owners lived in Spain and had gone to the Jalón Valley (between Alicante and Valencia) without their pet in the summer of 2018.

In contrast to the first case, this dog did not live or was not in regular contact with another infected dog, and it is possible that infected sandflies were inadvertently brought into the transport, luggage or clothing of the owners. , suggest the authors.

"However, the increasing importation of infected dogs in the UK also makes it more and more likely the accidental socialization with infected dogs," they said.

The case "also recalls that we must not be content with the risk of setting up Leishmania infantum in the UK, even in the current absence of the sand fly vector," they warned.

The Deputy Vice President of the British Veterinary Association (BVA), Daniella Dos Santos, said: "The increase in the number of cases of non-endemic diseases such as leishmaniasis is extremely worrying, more than a quarter veterinarians interviewed by BVA mentioning the presence of cases of this rare disease in practice.

"Leishmaniasis is primarily badociated with pets that have recently traveled outside of the UK or to" foreign "rescue dogs whose medical history is unknown.This is why we called on the government to strengthen the legislation animal travel and its application to: animal and human health in the United Kingdom ".

She advises pet owners who are planning to travel abroad with their dog to first seek advice from a veterinarian, while those who already own an imported rescue dog should contact their veterinarian. local veterinarian for advice on screening and treatment for any underlying condition.

"Anyone looking to get a dog should consider adopting a charity or social welfare organization from the UK instead of helping out overseas," she recommends. some cases, humans too. "

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Material provided by BMJ. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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