US Ambassador Awards Stella Saaka Ghana's "Woman of Courage" Award


Stephanie S. Sullivan, Ambbadador of the United States to Ghana, presents the presentation to Stella Saaka

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The United States Ambbadador to Ghana honored Stella Saaka with the 2019 Ghana Women of Courage Award from the US Embbady for a breakfast ceremony held at the Ambbadador's residence.

Presenting the price Stephanie S. Sullivan said, "Stella's actions actively empower women in her community by helping them access productive resources and ensure that their voices are heard by decision makers.

"Her students call her a model and the women she represents call her a woman of courage." I hope that all Ghanaian women and girls will become acquainted with her story so that they can create their own journey to make a difference. "

As the US secretary of state annual international Women of Courage Award, this award recognizes a Ghanaian woman whose efforts demonstrate exceptional courage and leadership in the defense of human rights, women's equality and social progress, often at the highest level. risk.

The Women of Courage International Award is the only State Department award honoring emerging women leaders around the world, such as the Women of Courage Award at the US Embbady in Ghana.

Who is Stella Saaka?

Stella Saaka is a powerful force for women's rights in her native district of Talensi in the north-eastern region of Ghana.

She is the regional secretary responsible for organizing women in agricultural platforms, a key element of the WE. Activity for Governance in Northern Ghana by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

She distinguished herself among the participants in USAID's governance activities in northern Ghana, which aim to address the issue of access to land in one of the most densely populated districts in the region.

In addition to conducting agricultural income generating activities for women, Mrs. Saaka continues to break down barriers in the prevailing male-dominated political and traditional political leadership system in northern Ghana, convincing Talensi's political leaders to include women in the process of development and development. district decision-making.

Accept the price, Mrs. Saaka said, "I am pleased that my work with women in rural Talensi has been recognized by the US Mission in Ghana. I dedicate this price to all my worker women in Talensi and all the hardworking women to take care of themselves economically so they can take care of their family and their home in Ghana. In describing her way of working with local authorities on behalf of women, Stella said, "I come in peace, but I'm talking about business."

Future opportunities

Foreseeing an opportunity for women to access the land, she was the only one who managed to address traditional long-standing customs by involving local leaders and explaining why it is important for women to have access to land to generate economic development.

This is important because land tenure is a stratified system of traditional tribal property that has historically deprived women of their rights.

The determination and persistence of Ms. Saaka were rewarded when the Tongo leader allocated 29 acres of land to 30 women in the district. With women, she started working on post-harvest processing and income-generating activities with sweet potatoes, peanuts and other agricultural products.

She started treating sweet potatoes in 2014 and women use the income that they generate to finance the education of their children. To generate alternative income, they produce a range of products from orange sweet potato, including drinks, snacks and flour for baking.

As a result of these efforts, more women are finding ways to contribute to the district's economy, which has resulted in a decrease in female migration during the dry season.

Ms. Saaka also stands out in her political commitment. In particular, she convinced traditional Talensi leaders to include women in the district's development and decision-making process.

As a result, she and her WAP colleagues represent their district in the badembly's medium-term development planning sessions, giving them an opportunity to contribute to their own development.

Because of their advocacy, the district badembly and traditional and political authorities have now given priority to the security of women's land tenure, the provision of a tractor for women and the training of female caretakers. .

Mrs. Stella Saaka wears many hats in her community: she is a mother, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a woman leader and a community icon. His lifetime achievements, exemplified by his resilience and courage, set an example for all Ghanaians, especially women and girls.

Minister of the Status of Women, Children and Social Welfare Cynthia Morrison attended the event, as well as Heads of Mission and High Commissioners or their representatives from 16 diplomatic missions.

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