US and African emissaries demand a solution for Sudan while Bashir is accused


US diplomats and the African Union stepped up their efforts Thursday to find a peaceful solution to a clash between protesters and Sudanese generals as a result of a deadly crackdown on protesters.

The latest diplomatic upsurge took place as Sudanese prosecutors accused corrupt leader Omar al-Bashir of corruption two months after he was overthrown by the army following nationwide protests against his regime. iron fist.

The stalemate between Sudanese protesters and the ruling military council saw protesters staging a national campaign of civil disobedience following a crackdown on a protest camp on 3 June, killing dozens of people.

The protesters, calling for a transition to civilian rule, ended the campaign on Tuesday and agreed to resume talks with the generals.

Traffic jams have resumed in downtown Khartoum and some stores of the capital's famous gold market have begun reopening on Thursday as more and more residents and office workers have ventured .

Fewer paramilitary soldiers and members of paramilitary support forces, accused by demonstrators and human rights groups of repression, were in the streets of downtown Khartoum , according to an AFP correspondent who visited parts of the capital.

But they were deployed in force in Bahari district, in the north of the country, stronghold of demonstrations against the military council.

"It's now my first day of work after the end of the campaign, but I'm not in the mood to work," said Suheir Hbadan, an employee of a government office. .

"On my way, I went through the sit-in and I remembered that all the voices that sang revolutionary slogans have now disappeared."

The protesters ended their civil disobedience campaign on Tuesday night and agreed to hold further talks with the ruling generals following the mediation led by Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

The protesters went on strike after lattice men launched their lethal attack on a sit-in of thousands of people in front of Army headquarters last week.

Washington's special ambbadador to Sudan, Donald Booth, and US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Tibor Nagy, met Thursday with the head of the military council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. .

Burhan told US envoys that Sudan and its people had a positive view of US efforts to reach a political settlement, according to a statement issued by the military council.

Washington said Booth had been appointed to help craft a "peaceful solution" to the crisis shaking the country of North-East Africa.

The Alliance for Freedom and Change (Alliance for Freedom and Change) protest-umbrella movement said its leaders had informed both US officials on Wednesday of the need for a transparent investigation into the June 3 murders.

They also called for the withdrawal of "militias" from the streets of Khartoum and other cities, the lifting of the Internet blockade and the establishment of a civilian administration, the group said in a statement.

The AU, which suspended Sudan as a result of the crackdown, said global efforts were being made to resolve the crisis.

"I can say without excess of optimism that the discussions we have with each of the parties are advancing to a great extent," the Sudanese Special Envoy to Sudan Mohamed told reporters Thursday. El Hacen Lebatt.

An international team of diplomats is working to resolve the crisis, he added.

US diplomats are also expected to meet in Khartoum on Thursday with key emissaries from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

Experts say the three Arab regional nations seem to support the generals.

A few days after the overthrow of Bashir, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates offered Khartoum $ 3 billion in aid, including a $ 500 million injection of funds to the central bank to support the pound Sudanese, who plunged against the dollar.

The worsening economic crisis in the country was one of the first triggers of protests against the three-decade regime of Bashir.

On Thursday, prosecutors accused him of corruption and "possession of foreign funds, acquisition of suspicious funds and illegal wealth" and setting up a state of emergency, media reported. officials.

Last month, the Sudanese prosecutor ordered the interrogation of Bashir, held in Kober prison in Khartoum, for money laundering and "financing of terrorism".

Discussions between protest leaders and generals collapsed in mid-May over who should lead a new governing body, a civilian or a soldier.

Relations deteriorated as a result of the crackdown, with leaders of protesters now insisting that any agreement reached with the generals be backed by "regional and international" guarantees.

The military council has headed Sudan since the generals chased Bashir on April 11 after months of nationwide protests against his three-decade reign.

Protesters remained camped in front of the army headquarters in Khartoum for weeks, demanding a civilian regime, until the June 3 crackdown.

About 120 people have been killed since then, according to doctors close to the protesters. The Ministry of Health has acknowledged that 61 people have died in the country.

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