US doesn’t need to coordinate counterterrorism airstrikes with Taliban, Pentagon says


US doesn't need to coordinate counterterrorism airstrikes with Taliban, Pentagon says

The Taliban have asked the United States not to interfere in Afghan affairs. (File photo)

The Pentagon said on Saturday that the United States did not need to coordinate counterterrorism airstrikes with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said there was no need to speak with the Taliban about the need for airstrikes against terrorists in Afghanistan, Tolo News reported.

“We retain all the authorities necessary to execute counterterrorism operations over the horizon and we remain confident in the advancement of these capabilities let alone the specific rules of engagement surrounding air strikes. There is currently no clearing obligation. airspace with the Taliban and we do not expect that a future on the horizon of counterterrorism strikes would depend on such clearance, ”he said.

It comes a day after the Taliban’s remarks on the demand for compensation from countries involved in the fighting in Afghanistan, Tolo News reported.

Meanwhile, the Taliban have said the United States should not interfere in the affairs of Afghanistan.

Javad Sar, a member of the Culture Committee of the Department of Information and Culture, said: “We expect the United States not to make irresponsible remarks. They carried out an airstrike in Kabul and killed civilians, including children.

On August 29, the United States carried out an airstrike in Kabul, claiming to have targeted Daesh fighters, while later it was discovered that the victims were civilians. The Pentagon then apologized for the attack.

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