US wary of China's growing power – Rawlings | Policy


Former President Jerry John Rawlings said at a meeting with Chinese Ambbadador to Ghana, Shi Ting Wang, that the US was wary of China's growing economic strength, of Where the trade war intensified with the Asian giant.

"The optimistic and military behavior of the West was not a surprise, as it was obvious that he was going to lose the technological dominance of the world," he said.

Former President Rawlings said that amidst this bullish behavior, the United States had then released the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) from former FIFA president, Sepp Blatter.

The former president said the moral authority of the United States has declined and caused unstable situations around the world. He was optimistic that China would grow to restore the balance of global bipolar authority.

Superior democratic practice

At the meeting last Tuesday, Lieutenant Rawlings said that China's democratic practice has been far superior. "The Western political system did not give us the best. It has brought us the worst, "he said.

The former president praised China for staying strong and committed to its convictions and urged the country to remain strong for humanity.

He thanked China for its continued support to Africa and urged Ambbadador Wang to become familiar with political developments in Ghana over the last 30 years and to discern his own problems.

"Politics is seriously monetized and has affected the quality of democracy. We must contribute to the fight against corruption, otherwise it would hurt our development efforts, "said former president Rawlings.

Ambbadador Wang, who was making his first courtesy visit to the former President, said China's contribution to Africa's growth was monumental and compared it to the West, which had been in Africa for centuries but had done less.

"China has supported the struggle for Africa's political liberation, and today we are supporting Africa economically through vast infrastructure development," said Ambbadador Wang.

Political motivation

The Chinese ambbadador described the trade war and targeting of Chinese technology giant Huawei as politically motivated.

He said China had traded with the United States on the basis of the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) that had actually been established by the United States.

He said that the charges of espionage against Huawei were ridiculous because Edward Snowden had already revealed who was spying on who.

"It's only for Huawei to take the lead in 5G technology. They can not stop us technologically, so they have to confront us administratively. "

If we stay strong, Africa will remain strong and Ghana will be strong, "said the ambbadador.

Earlier, Ambbadador Wang had praised the close relations that China and Ghana had maintained for more than 60 years and praised the important role played by former President Rawlings in strengthening these relations during his tenure. and later.

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