US Women's Football Team Wins 13-0 World Cup Against Thailand Regarding Pay Equity


The US national women's football team beat the Thai team 13-0 on Tuesday. In doing so, the players scored more goals than the men's national football team scored in all the World Cup series since 2006. And this achievement has resulted in increased calls for women to receive the same salary as their male counterparts.

The US women's football team is currently taking legal action against the US Soccer Federation, claiming that its members are victims of "gender discrimination". The team is the best in the world for a very long time. He won the World Cup title in 2015 and is also favorite this year. The men's team has not qualified for the last World Cup series and its biggest victories so far are two 3-0 victories against Belgium and Paraguay in 1930.

Despite the successes of the women on the field, the American Football Federation pays much less to the players than the men. In fact, the group pays more men when they lose than women when they win. Here is the disparity described by ESPN:

Among the figures cited in the EEOC record, it is stated that women would earn $ 99,000 each if they won 20 friendlies, the minimum number they are forced to play in a year. But the men would probably win $ 263,320 each for the same feat, and $ 100,000 even if they lost all 20 games. In addition, women receive nothing to play more than 20 games, while men earn between $ 5,000 and $ 17,625 for each game played beyond 20.

The lawsuit argues that discrimination is not just about pay, but about what players see as discrimination in all aspects of their work – from training to travel to promotion. The lawsuit even concerns the fact that women have to play artificial turf more often than men, which makes them more vulnerable to injury.

The American Football Federation does not dispute the fact that men and women are paid differently, or are subject to different standards, but there is a disparity because it has "different pay structures for different work", claiming basically men and women. teams do an uneven job. But the astonishing victory against Thailand led to the lack of pay equity on the national scene.

"Here's an idea: if you win 13-0, the most goals for a single match in the history of the World Cup, you should be paid at least tied for the men's team," he said. said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Democratic leader of 2020. primary candidate for the presidential election tweeted after the match.

Earlier Wednesday, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer spoke to the Senate and used the challenge of the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, to urge Congress to pbad legislation to put an end to to discrimination based on bad.

"It's a question of fundamental fairness," said Schumer. "Performance aside – and women have been excellent and often dominant over the past two decades – we should not reward them less for the same work as men."

The American women's football team has long been fighting the gender pay gap.

As Emily Crockett wrote for Vox, "the pay gap for female footballers is well above the overall pay gap in the United States." In the United States, women earn about 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. This figure is much lower for women of color: black women earn about 61 cents a dollar and Latin women about 53 cents a dollar.

However, American football players can only win 40% of what the men of the national team report, said the women's team, citing figures from the 2016 budget of the US Soccer Federation.

As Schumer explained in the Senate, players earn a base salary of $ 3,600 per game, while men earn $ 5,000. Women playing on the world stage – as in the World Cup – receive a bonus of $ 15,000; Male football players earn a bonus of $ 55,000.

In 2015, the US Soccer Federation awarded $ 1.7 million to the women's team for winning the World Cup. A year ago, the federation awarded the men's national team a $ 5.4 million bonus for losing in the round of 16 of the 2014 World Cup.

And it's not that the women's team does not make money at the US Soccer Federation; The 2015 budget figures showed an increase of $ 23 million in revenues attributed to the Victory and Victory Tour of the Women's World Cup – more than the men's team brought in during that time.

But the American Football Federation still maintains that jobs held by men and women are fundamentally different and are therefore subject to different pay structures. Bridget Gordon from SB Nation explains all of this in detail.

The women's team does not subscribe to this position and filed a federal complaint of wage discrimination with the Equal Employment Commission in 2016. This complaint allowed them to forge a better agreement the following year, which included increases. But with their pay still uneven compared to the men's team, the women's team filed a complaint against US Soccer in March in the perspective of the World Cup series. They expect to go to trial after the World Cup.

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