USD 1.62 billion of USD 3 billion Eurobonds will be consumed by 'family and friends' – Adongo


Company News of Thursday, April 4, 2019



Isaac Adongo2019, Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central Isaac Adongo, Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central

Bolgatanga Central MP Isaac Adongo said some of the $ 3 billion the government raised with recently issued European bonds would end up with "family and friends".

Mr. Adongo, a member of Parliament's Finance Committee, is concerned that Ghana has gone through a period of borrowing to ensure the future of the younger generation at one time loan for consumption.

He pointed out that, "If you take 2019, the $ 3 billion borrowed, $ 2 billion is for the budget. Only $ 390 million will be spent on capital expenditures. $ 1.61 billion will go to family and friends, you know it. "

The legislator made the remarks at a public lecture on Ghana's economy, given by the National Democratic Congress in Accra on Thursday, April 4, 2019.

Mr. Adongo also said: "In 2018, we have [Ghana] went to borrow $ 750 million [but] we spent only $ 119 million on capital expenditures; $ 631 million, we spent on consumption. Our children will have to come and pay for it and they [the government] have nothing to show ".

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