Van Dijk ready to seek housing after Solskjaer landed a job at Man Utd


Solskjaer revealed he and his family are considering living in the house that he built 12 years ago after signing a three-year contract as the boss of Old Trafford.

According to reports, the Norwegian was renting the house to Dutch defender Van Dijkcornerstone of United's great rivals, who are fighting for Manchester City for the Premier League title.

"We have really enjoyed the last eight years in Norway," said former United striker Solskjaer in an interview with MUTV.

"It will change for them but we are looking forward to seeing it.

"The six months we agreed on (initially taking the job until the end of the season) as a family we agreed to do it separately as there was no need to move them. It's gone now. Now we move together.

"We built a house, or I started it in 2007, but finally maybe in 2019 we can move on – it's a long planning. "

Solskjaer, who supervised 14 wins over 19 games As a guardian, he put the five-bedroom property on the market after returning to Norway to manage Molde.

But he failed to find a buyer for his house and would have rented to Van Dijkwhich means that Solskjaer had to stay at the Lowry Hotel in the city center.

the Lowry was the residence of Solskjaer's predecessor, Jose Mourinho during his two and a half years in Manchester before being fired in December.

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