Vaping "may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke"


Experts discovered that blood cells exposed to e-liquid began to exhibit "significantly greater levels" of DNA damage and cell death.

It has been found that the level of damage also depends on the flavor of the spraying liquid.

Cinnamon and menthol have been shown to be "particularly harmful" for heart health.

A study by lead author Professor Joseph Wu of the Stanford University School of Medicine concluded that the electronic cigarette was "not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes."


Professor Wu said: "Up to now, we had no data on how these e-liquids affect human endothelial cells." This study clearly shows that e-cigarettes are not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes.

"When we exposed the cells to six different flavors of e-liquid containing different levels of nicotine, we found significant damage."

Cells, called endothelial cells, line the surface of blood vessels and help keep your heart healthy.

vapingThe scientists said that some of the changes had been observed in the absence of nicotine.

Professor Wu added, "The public has this idea that e-cigarettes are safe.

"Because of this perception, many children are engaged in e-cigarettes.

"There are so many kids who smoke electronic cigarettes."

He added, "And these children will become adults.

"And these adults can become elderly patients that I will take over later as a cardiologist."

Scientists have warned that the sweet or fruity flavors of e-liquids could make people believe that vaping is safe.

It also results from the presence of fewer carcinogenic chemicals than combustible cigarettes.

The study was published for the first time in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.


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