Video application connects parents to NICU patients


Video application connects parents to NICU patients Copyright 2019 CNN
Families can access live videos from the hospital from a phone.

ST. PETERSBURGH, Florida – The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a stressful place, and even more so for parents who can not be next to their newborn baby.

But the new technology aims to help bridge the gap between the parent and the patient at all times.

Antoinette Goggins is a mother of five and can not go to Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital every day. His son, Ahmad, 3 months old, is still recovering from an infection in the intestines.

"It was very difficult to try to find a balance between mother in the hospital and mother at home," Antoinette said.

New technologies help parents like her stay connected.

"He's a fighter, you know, looking at him, I'm amazed at the distance that separates him," said Antoinette.

This allows her to keep an eye on little Ahmad even when she is at home at a county away. Angel Eye gives families a chance to access live videos from the hospital directly over the family phone.

"Some days I can not go up here," said Antoinette. "It's easier for me to access my app, to enter my pbadword and see exactly what it's doing right now."

Angel Eye gives Antoinette a peace of mind at the touch of a button.

"It's almost like he's just there," she says. "I have the phone in the bed. It's almost like he was right there in my arms."

The hospital hopes to expand the pilot program.

Shawna Christophersen, a registered nurse at the NICU, said the program was very exciting for the hospital.

"It helps a lot to reduce anxiety because not knowing what's going on is what adds to their anxiety," Christophersen said.

Antoinette predicts another three months for her grandson at the NICU. She is eager to exchange virtual kisses for real objects at home.

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