VIDEO: WrestleMania lighting made visibility impossible


  • WWE hosted more than 80,000 fans on Sunday at MetLife Stadium in WrestleMania.
  • Although the action on the ring was impressive, the view was obstructed by the bright yellow light of some supporters present.
  • Those who were blinded by the light posted images and videos of their disappointing experience on Twitter.

More than 80,000 wrestling fans have invaded MetLife Stadium just outside New York City to face WrestleMania on Sunday.

While the night was filled with action, some fans present struggled to follow what was happening inside the ring.

The complaints about the lighting of the stage made the show almost impossible to watch because some members of the audience started to spin on Twitter.

Some fans began to sing in the hope of holding the attention of the WWE organizers, according to Luis Paez-Pumar of Deadspin, who was present.

Fortunately, it seems that the song has worked and that the yellow lights of the scene have been replaced by a red hue more friendly.

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