Vigilance bill drafted under wrath, without comprehensive approach – Afriyie Ankrah


General News of Saturday, June 1st, 2019



Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, NDC Election Director Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, Electoral Officer of the National Democratic Congress

Election Director of the National Democratic Congress, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, accused the government of drafting the Vigilantism and Related Offenses Bill as a result of pressure to put an end to political vigilance. in the country.

Attorney General Gloria Afua Akuffo presented to Parliament in April the new bill to criminalize and dissolve all forms of political vigilance in the country.

This is due to the recrudescence of criminal acts committed by political thugs from various political parties and to the recent election violence at the partial election of Ayawaso West Wouguon, which provoked shots and hurt some people.

In her address on the state of the nation, President Nana Akufo-Addo asked her new patriotic party to enter into talks with the NDC to find a solution to the chancre that permeated the country's politics.

He warned that a bill would be issued in case the negotiations failed, but even before the negotiations could begin, he asked the AG to start drafting the bill, which now has sparked a debate in Parliament with minority claims before the bill's consideration. .

They want the government to release the report of the Emile Short Commission, which investigated the violent Ayawaso by election, arguing that it will facilitate public debate on the subject and will also influence the content of the current bill.

Speaking Saturday on TV3, TV channel specializing in badyzing key points, Mr. Ankrah said that a more comprehensive approach should be adopted for drafting the bill, taking into account conclusions of the Emile Short commission.

He said the bill was drafted hastily and immune from anger following concerns expressed by the minority about speedy measures to combat self-defense activities.

"Reading this bill, you will find that the bill was written under the sign of anger. When you write a bill in a given situation and do not look at it in a broader context, you create bigger problems, "he said. I said.

He added, "They should publish the report. They should also let the Peace Council finish its deliberations so that it is rich. We will have all these rich starters as educated people in order to have a composite solution ".

The head of the NDC said that a critical badysis of the activities of self-defense groups should be carried out to ensure the presentation of durable solutions.

Political power game

Afriyie Ankrah accused the government of taking advantage of their position to do what they liked without regard for the minority.

He said the NCP-led government would no longer be in power and that things would change for the better, stating that it was unreasonable for any political party to entertain the hope of staying forever in the future. power.

"NPP members should listen, they will not be in power forever. No matter what it is, they say we will be in power forever, we said these nonsense; it is stupid that anyone thinks you will be in power forever.

"It's madness, God will make sure you are dishonored. God does not like pride, "he said

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