Virginia woman catches flesh-eating bacteria after a visit to the beach


A Virginia woman was diagnosed with a flesh-eating infection after visiting a local beach, according to reports.

According to WTKR, Amanda Edwards and her friends visited Ocean View Beach in Norfolk last week and the next day she had symptoms that made her suspicious of eating flesh.

"I noticed what happened on my leg," she told the TV channel. "I ignored it for a few days, and it just started getting bigger and bigger so I could not walk."

Edwards said the doctors diagnosed him with staph infection caused by a flesh-eating bacteria. They drained the swollen area and prescribed antibiotics.

"I was just like:" Oh my God … my leg will fall. " A local woman can now make fun of her potentially life-threatening fear after telling News 3 @BrianHillWTKR how she contracted a staph infection that fed on flesh at a #Norfolk beach

– WTKR News 3 (@ WTKR3) July 16, 2019

She said the doctors told her that the bacteria probably entered her system through an open wound.

A man from Alabama clings to life after having a flesh-eating bacteria

The incident recalls the case of a man from Alabama who was infected with a flesh disease while he was kayaking on the Tennessee River, said his wife.

Cbadey Rutherford said in a social media article that her husband Ricky, 41, was still in intensive care hospital in Florence after being diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, or flesh-eating bacteria.

"The crops confirmed today that it was what I told them when I took it to the hospital," said Cbadey Rutherford on July 14, adding that " it's the flesh-eating bacteria !!! "

"My husband is fighting for his life right now because of this horrible thing!", She said. "I was one of those people who thought that would never happen to my family, but look where we are now." We pay the ultimate price!

In a previous article, Cbadey shared a photo of her husband's severely infected leg, claiming that the doctor was not convinced that it was a flesh-eating bacterium, "He however stated that he should probably undergo surgery in the very near future because there is evidence that some of the tissues have died from the damage of the infection."

Ok guys, sorry, it's been so long for an update, but we're expecting one ourselves. They finally called in a …

Cbadey Rutherford တင်ရာတွင် အသုံးပြုမှု 2019, 11 ကြာသပတေးနေ့

On Friday, July 12, Ricky Rutherford was operated on "to remove a piece of his thigh 5 inches by 6 inches," his wife told WAFF-TV.

The Lauderdale County couple went kayaking on July 6th at Second Creek in Waterloo, according to the resort. The next day, Ricky Rutherford complained of leg pain and started making fever. He consulted a doctor and then the terrible diagnosis – necrotizing fasciitis – was diagnosed, a bacterial infection that in extreme cases can lead to death.

"What seemed like a normal family fun activity turned into a nightmare!" Wrote Cbadey Rutherford. "I'm heartbroken to see him so and I would not want anyone to suffer the same fate!"

In a recent article, Cbadey Rutherford wrote that although for a while everything was fine, the doctors said her husband was better. She said: "The surgeon arrived some time ago and told us that it was improving, that it looked great and that, hopefully, we would not would be there only in a week! "

"Ricky Rutherford beat the worst!" She wrote, adding, "I will never take another day with my family for granted!"

Dead after walking on Florida Beach

Various cases of flesh-eating bacteria have been reported in Florida in recent months.

The condition can be caused by several types of bacteria and is often known by the medical term "necrotizing fasciitis".

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, "necrotizing means causing tissue death," noting that this condition is rare.

"Fasciitis means the inflammation of the fascia (the tissue under the skin that surrounds the muscles, nerves, fat and blood vessels)," the agency says on its website.

Once the infection is established, it can grow and spread quickly, killing the growing tissue.

Deaths in 1 out of 3 cases

The disease is more likely to occur in people with reduced immune status, including diabetes, kidney problems, cirrhosis of the liver and cancer.

According to the CDC, the first symptoms of the disease include an area of ​​red or swollen skin that spreads quickly, intense pain including pain beyond the red skin area and fever.

Although these symptoms may also be caused by minor illnesses, the CDC warns against caution. "Seek immediate medical attention if you experience these symptoms after an injury or surgery."

"Subsequent symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis may include: ulcers, vesicles or blackheads on the skin … changes in skin color … pus or oozing from the infected area", says Dr. ;agency.

Dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea and nausea are also symptoms.

"Even with treatment, up to one in three people with necrotizing fasciitis dies of infection," according to the CDC website. Fortunately, the disease is not contagious and can very rarely be transmitted by contact.

Follow Tom on Twitter: @OZImekTOM

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