Visits to children for swallowing toys and foreign objects have doubled since the 1990s


FRIDAY, April 12, 2019 (HealthDay News) – About 100 children a day are rushed to US emergency rooms after accidentally swallowing a toy, battery, magnet, or other foreign object, according to new research.

It's almost twice as much as in the mid-1990s.

"The number of these injuries is of concern," said Dr. Danielle Orsagh-Yentis, lead author of the study published in the May issue of pediatrics.

He reported that emergency room visits to children under 6 due to accidental ingestion increased on average by more than 4% per year between 1995 and 2015.

During this period, approximately 800,000 children in this age group were treated after swallowing foreign objects. Coins are the main culprit, followed by jewelry, batteries and toy parts.

In 1995, there were about 9 cases of accidental ingestion per 10,000 children. In 2015, this figure had climbed to almost 18.

So what is the reason for this increase – a real increase in the accident rate or are the experts simply improving in the registration and reporting of such accidents?

Although the jury is still absent, Orsagh-Yentis said, the answer is probably both.

Some of the products studied, including small circular batteries known as "button cells" – are increasingly being used in the home or have become more readily available to consumers, she said. And, she added, it is likely that the National Injury Surveillance System is recording more cases than before.

Orsagh-Yentis is a pediatric gastrointestinal colleague at the Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

For the study, his team examined data from nearly 30,000 cases of ingestion and then developed national estimates.

Most cases – 62% – involved children aged 1 to 3 years, a time when children are naturally curious about what surrounds them and learn more by putting things in their mouths. In total, children aged one year accounted for more than 21% of emergencies.

Just over half (53%) of the cases involved boys. And coins – most often pennies – were the object most often swallowed, accounting for nearly 62% of accidents.

Next are toys (10%), jewelery (7%) and batteries (around 7%). Nearly 9 out of 10 stunned batteries were button cells.

Nine out of 10 children did well in the emergency room and were released quickly.

To reduce the risk of accidents, safe storage and the choice of age-appropriate toys are essential, said Orsagh-Yentis.

"Keep small items, especially button cells, powerful magnets, and money, within reach, out of sight of young children," she advised. "Check the age recommendations on the packaging of the toy to make sure it matches the age of your child. Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for badembly and use. the use of the toy. "

If you think your child may have swallowed something, call your pediatrician first for advice, suggested Orsagh-Yentis. And act quickly.

"If you think your child may have ingested a very powerful button cell or magnet, contact your local emergency department as soon as possible," said Orsagh-Yentis. "Taking a photo of the ingested article or bringing in its packaging can be extremely helpful for your child's treating physician."

Morag MacKay, director of research for Safe Kids Worldwide, said that it was also worth trying to see the world from your child's point of view.

"Go up on the ground to be at the height of your child's eyes," she advised. Then look for attractive nuisances.

MacKay, who did not participate in the study, also stressed the importance of taking into account the age of a child when buying from a school or college. a toy or a game. Parents should make sure that there are no small pieces or other risks of choking before choosing the perfect toy, she said.

"We know that very young children like to explore and that if something is in their hand, it's usually in their mouths," MacKay added. "[But] parents and caregivers can help reduce these preventable injuries in a few simple steps. "

More information

Safe Kids Worldwide offers more tips on child safety.

SOURCES: Danielle Orsagh-Yentis, M.D., Fellow in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio; Morag MacKay, Director of Research, Safe Kids Worldwide, Washington, D.C .; pediatrics, May 2019

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