Vitamins linked to higher risk of stroke


A large study suggests that vitamin supplements taken by millions of people can increase the risk of heart disease.

New research has shown links between certain types of daily pills combining calcium and vitamin D and an increased risk of stroke. According to the Daily Telegraph, US scientists believe that this badociation could be responsible for atherosclerosis, a disease by which plaque builds up in arteries.

These pills are usually marketed as necessary to preserve bone strength and are aimed at people of middle and older age, whose risk of stroke is already higher.

In total, it is estimated that about 45% of British adults take a daily form of vitamin supplements, representing an industry representing about 430 million pounds per year.

Published in Annals of Internal Medicine, the new data is part of a broader set of findings suggesting that few nutritional supplements protect against cardiovascular disease or death.

Based on a review of 277 randomized controlled trials involving nearly one million people, the study also questioned the effectiveness of a Mediterranean-type diet to improve resilience in the face. to heart disease.

Dr. Safi Khan, who led the research at West Virginia University, said: "A combination of calcium and vitamin D was badociated with an increased risk of stroke." The other supplements did not seem to have had any problems. Significant effect on mortality or cardiovascular consequences. "

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