Voters ask T.K Hammond to kill a snake in the bathroom because he is their MP


General News of Monday, July 8, 2019



TK Hammond Snnake T.K. Hammond, Member of Parliament for Asokwa

Member of Parliament for Adansi Asokwa, MKT. Hammond, explained why the Ghanaian MPs should be appreciated.

Speaking at the Ekosi Sen broadcast of Asempa FM on Monday, the legislator, whose commentary on a proposed new chamber has sparked controversy in Parliament, said MEPs were faced with many challenges to the point of physically working for their constituents.

"In my own constituency, my constituents have asked me to hunt a snake in the toilet and kill him. Imagine, a whole, that I am asked to kill a snake because they voted for me. How could I do that? That's the kind of things we face.

"I told them I could not, and the only thing I can do is give them money to buy a gun and kill it themselves. And so, I went there again and asked them what they did and they said, they managed to kill him, I gave them money for a good job, "he said. declared.

He said that unlike other voters who refused to rely on their MPs, his constituency had witnessed major development work, saying the power of the people should not be underestimated.

According to him, the challenges faced by deputies are the main reasons why he justifies the construction of a new room.

He urged Ghanaians to better appreciate the struggles of MPs and not to criticize them.

"Sometimes I find it hard to understand why Ghanaians hate MPs. If you do not agree with us, just talk about the issue and do not attack us, "he said.

Parliament's critics forced its leaders to reverse its decision on the $ 200 million 450-seat room proposal.

Kate Addo, Acting Director of Public Affairs of Parliament, revealed that new feasibility studies were needed for the project to progress in the future.

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