Vulnerability: bug in Apple Watch makes wiretap on iPhone possible | 07/18/19


A bug in the Apple Watches walkie talkie application allowed iPhone users to listen to the phone conversations of someone else. The error has not yet been resolved, but the feature was initially disabled.

• A bug allowed iPhone users to listen to foreign Apple watches.

• Apple turned off the walkie-talkie feature

• The fix for continued vulnerability

Vulnerability in Apple

As TechCrunch recently reported, the flaw in the Apple Watch was on its own security portal. It has been reported that Apple Watch owners could hear conversations via paired iPhones, without the clock users being forced to agree, let alone know. This should have been possible via the "walkie-talkie" feature of the Apple Watch.

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"We have just been alerted of a vulnerability related to the Apple Watch's walkie-talkie application and have disabled this feature while we are fixing it quickly," said CNBC. . "We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience and restore functionality as soon as possible."

Focus on security and privacy

Apple has further stated that it does not have knowledge of "exploiting the vulnerability for a customer" and "that specific conditions and event sequences are required to use it." It seems unlikely that anyone is really affected. Nevertheless, we first wanted to examine the problem in more depth and, therefore, we had to completely deactivate the function first. "We take the security and privacy of our customers very seriously and concluded that disabling the application was the right solution, as this could allow someone to listen to another client without it. his consent via the iPhone. "

Until iKonzern can solve the problem, the walkie-talkie function should still not be available.


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