Wait … (1) The change will come


"But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates of the prison and guided them," he said.

Come on, stay up and keep telling people in the temple [courtyards] the whole message of this life[LavieéternellerévéléeparChristettrouvéeparlafoienLui"[TheeternalliferevealedbyChristandfoundthroughfaithinHim"[lavieéternellerévéléeparChristettrouvéeparlafoienLui”[theeternalliferevealedbyChristandfoundthroughfaithinHim”

[Acts5:19-20] Amplified Bible
Today, we will start a new series on "Hold on". Hold, it's firmly grasping something. But to hang on to God through Christ Jesus, is to wait a moment for His glory to manifest itself in His life. Or wait patiently with faith that God will do what He has promised you.

According to the text, apostles and believers in Jesus Christ were arrested and imprisoned for propagating the Word.

Imagine the kind of discomfort and pain they would experience in prison.

Yet, they continued to believe in God and maintained the saving power of Christ Jesus.

And when they took that position of maintaining their freedom in Christ Jesus, the change happened through an angel of the Lord. And they testified about Jesus spreading the Word of God in other places.

In the Bible, the son of Jacob, Joseph was to suffer slavery, dejection and humiliation of the hands of his own brothers. He was accused of a crime that he had not committed to Potiphar, who eventually led him to prison. Finally, God made changes in his life when he [God] made him [Joseph] the prime minister and second in command to Pharaoh, then the Egyptian king.

A certain man from Jerusalem suffering from infirmity has to wait 38 years around a pool called Bethesda to be healed by Christ Jesus.

What is your story? Jesus Christ saves and heals people again and he can heal you and save you if you believe.

Brothers, you have come too far to go back. Never look back because you are an inch away from the angelic visitation of God. The circumstances of your life will not change God's agenda regarding your life.

Do not throw the sponge yet. I hope we will continue to stick to God through Christ Jesus. For change will come and come in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Do not forget to testify about Jesus Christ with someone.
To be inspired.
Lord, you are the Son of God and in you, I believe that change has come into my life in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

✍Rev. EZ
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