War, crime and violence in South Africa


A bench reserved for whites only during the time of apartheid

A bench reserved for whites only during the time of apartheid

During the apartheid period in South Africa, many people in the world, including Africans and other countries, did their best to scandalize this perverse system of government that subjected our brothers to Slavery in their own country.

In Jamaica, the late Peter Tosh said: "You are in my country, dig me for gold, you are edifying your regimes, legislate, so we have a fight against apartheid" in a song called "Fight Apartheid". & # 39;

In Nigeria, Sonny Okosun, legend, asks, "We want to know, we want to know who owns Papa's Land?" In South Africa, Lucky Dube sings: "Bury Apartheid, Fight War and Crime, Racial Discrimination and Tribal Discrimination."

Twenty-five years after the fall of apartheid, South Africans are embarking on a series of murders, killing their own African brothers who supported them during the harsh and bitter days of a brutal regime, why ?

The word "apartheid" in Afrikaans means "conflict" or "separation". This implies separation, political and domestic segregation. Segregation is the policy of forcibly separating any group from the population.

According to some reports, the concept of "apartheid" was mentioned for the first time in 1917 by a certain Jan Christian Smuts, future Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa.

However, the cruel system of government was approved as official policy in South Africa in 1948. For much of the twentieth century, South Africa was ruled by a white minority.

Black Indigenous peoples, for their convenience, called the Bantu, were forced to move to special areas – the Bantustans.

They have received a semblance of civil rights and, in some Bantustans, even pbadports, although the independence granted by the South African Government to these Bantustans has not been recognized in any other country in the world.

Asians and "colored" children from mixed marriages and their descendants held slightly better positions. They were allowed to live closer to the cities, but separately, they provided a little more education and health care.

Since the early 1980s, they have received a limited right to vote after the division of the federal parliament into three chambers: for whites, "colors" and Asians. Meanwhile, blacks could only vote in their Bantustans.

Above all, the Afrikaners, the South African whites, the descendants of the Dutch and German colonizers, owned most of the country's land. Agriculture, as well as metallurgy and mining, formed the basis of the economy.

At the same time, blacks were only used as unskilled labor, which meant that they could not learn farm management skills.

At the post office, in bars, buses and public places, blacks were separated and drank in different goblets that were not used by whites and used non-white toilets.

Surprisingly, many governments around the world, including British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, were all behind the apartheid regime.

South African men, including Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko, have been imprisoned and tortured by the government. Some women who were behind some of the leaders against apartheid have also been victims of this oppression.

Apartheid, which has existed since 1948, collapsed like the Berlin Wall in 1994. Nelson Mandela became the first president in South Africa, after 27 years in prison in the infamous Robben Island prison.

However, twenty-five years after the fall of apartheid, South Africa is currently experiencing an unprecedented wave of crime across the country. The criminal situation in the country has deteriorated sharply and the death rate among the police has increased.

Lucky Dube sings about political unrest in former apartheid South Africa

The high crime rate, combined with extreme poverty, has affected the unhealthy dynamics of interracial relations of the well-being of Boer farmers, the backbone of local agriculture.

Between 1994 and 1998 alone, more than 2,000 attacks were recorded, during which 550 white farmers were killed.

South Africans who thought the fall of apartheid could have changed their lives to live better as their white neighbors are bitterly disappointed. They are now spreading their anger and frustration over immigrants from other African countries.

Migrants are no longer welcome in post-apartheid South Africa, while angry South Africans armed with machetes attacked immigrants, hoping to chase away foreigners in search of work.

A large number of foreigners from neighboring countries and from other countries, such as Nigeria, have lost their lives and the difficulty to overcome in a country that has gone from apartheid to democracy without any outpouring. blood is still far from over.

Africans have bitterly complained of slavery, colonial brutality and the inhuman system of apartheid, but they treat their own brothers in the same way. How long will it last?

The South African government must find an immediate solution to this madness before more immigrants are killed. African leaders must also intervene to protect their nationals.

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