Warning of measles outbreak | Daily examiner


The GOLD COASTERS and those on the north coast of New South Wales have been warned to be alert to the signs of measles that follow an epidemic of the highly contagious disease.

The NSW state government issued warnings after two young travelers became the last people to become infected with the viral disease.


NSW Health has issued a measles warning.

NSW Health has issued a measles warning.

The travelers probably contracted the infection during their vacation in the Philippines in mid-March and were sick and contagious on their flight back to the Gold Coast via Singapore.

The two men were contagious when they landed at the Coolangatta International Airport at 0810 on Saturday, 30 March on the Scoot TR6 flight.

Infected people then traveled from Coolangatta International Airport to Pottsville via Uber on Tuesday, April 2, where they visited stores in Pottsville and Cabarita, including IGA in Pottsville and Woolworths in Cabarita.

On Wednesday, April 3rd, they went to the Main Street Medical Center in Murwillumbah, and then to the Emergency Department at Tweed Hospital.

They were also present at the emergency of Tweed Hospital the next day, Thursday, April 4th.

The North Coast Public Health Unit urges people who have been on Scoot TR6 flights and are in the same locations as travelers to be vigilant about the symptoms of measles until April 22.

Symptoms can take up to 18 days after exposure to a person with measles.


Health officials warned pbadengers of Scoot Flight TR6 from Singapore on Saturday, March 30, to search for measles symptoms.

Health officials warned pbadengers of Scoot Flight TR6 from Singapore on Saturday, March 30, to search for measles symptoms.

Greg Bell, acting director of public health local health districts on the north and north coast of New South Wales, said that while these places do not pose any permanent risk, people likely to 39, be infected with measles and present on the same days should contact their local agent. public health office for advice.

"The local public health office is working with the medical center and the hospital to contact

from other patients who were present at the same time as the infectious persons and offer

preventive treatment, if any, "said Bell.

Anyone who develops symptoms should phone in advance to his GP to make sure they are not.

in the waiting room with other patients. "

Symptoms of measles include fever, sore eyes, and cough followed by a red rash three to four days later that spreads from the head and neck to the body.

Preventive injections can be given to very sensitive people up to six days after exposure to measles.

"The measles-mumps-rubella vaccine is a safe and effective protection against measles," said Bell.

"It's free for people born during or after 1966 who have not already taken two doses.

you do not know if you have taken two doses, it is safe to take another one. "

Measles is highly contagious and spreads in the air by coughing or sneezing

by someone who is not well with the disease.

While the risk of infection is low among fully vaccinated people, health experts urge anyone coming into contact with a person with measles to remain alert to symptoms.

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