WATCH: The anti-stall system was activated before the crash of an Ethiopian jet, according to a report


Investigators determined that an anti-stall system was automatically activated before the fall of a Boeing 737 Max from Ethiopian Airlines, a newspaper reported Friday.

The preliminary finding, based on information from the aircraft's voice and data recorders, shows that the malfunction of the automated system could be responsible for the fatal accident of March 10, reported the Wall Street Journal. This is also a close connection with the fatal crash of an Indonesian aircraft Lion Air Max, which had similar problems in October.

Both accidents killed 346 people and are being investigated by teams of international experts led by the countries of origin of the flights.

The Wall Street Journal reported preliminary findings of the survey in Ethiopia, citing unknowns who would have been informed of the investigation. According to the newspaper, the consensus between the investigators was revealed at a briefing Thursday at the US Federal Aviation Administration.

An FAA spokesman would not comment when the Associated Press contacted him on Friday, and a spokesman for the Ethiopian Ministry of Transport said he knew nothing about the report. from Journal. Ethiopian officials should release their preliminary report soon.

Erratic ascents and descents

Preliminary findings may be revised, but indicate that the system called MCAS (or Maneuverability Enhancement System) is the potential cause of both collisions. The regulators said the Ethiopian Airlines Max jet had followed a trajectory similar to that of the Lion Air flight, including irregular climbs and descents before crashing a few minutes after takeoff.

The 737 Max 8 has been grounded worldwide due to accidents while Boeing is updating its software to make the aircraft safer.

The MCAS system is designed to automatically direct the nose of jets if it detects a risk of loss of lift or aerodynamic stall. Planes can lose wing lift and fall from the sky if the nose is too high.

The system also allows the Max to fly the same way as previous generations of the Boeing 737, eliminating the need for additional pilot training.

Boeing is currently working on an update of the MCAS software, which makes it less aggressive and allows pilots to abandon it.

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