We do not need your excuses; Resign – Ras Mubarak informs the Committee on Assistance Beyond Ghana | General news


Ras Mubarak, MP for Kumbungu, wants members of the "Beyond Ghana Aid" committee to resign en bloc on the cover page of the Ghana Beyond Aid Strategy Paper.

Moments after the Committee issued a statement in which it apologized for the error on the cover page of the document, it wrote on its Facebook wall: "They apologized for Photoshop in the document Beyond Aid of Ghana . Committee members should resign instead of apologizing. Such incompetence!

The Africa Committee, beyond Ghana, apologized for splashing Kenya's skyline as the cover page of the Africa Charter, beyond aid.

Dr. Eric Yeboah, Secretary of the Commission, said in a statement that the photo ordered appearing on the cover page of the "Ghana Country Strategy Paper for Ghana Beyond" presented by the President was a mistake".

"The Committee apologizes without reservation to the President and the nation for this error and badumes full responsibility," the statement said.

The document prepared by a committee led by the Prime Minister presented high-rise buildings on a green landscape. One of the image buildings, however, is the headquarters of Dawit Insurance in Nairobi.

This development provoked outrage among the population, including Kumbungu MP Ras Mubarak, who described the blunder as an embarrbading nation.

"I feel so embarrbaded and government henchmen should spare us. You see an enthusiastic defense of this very embarrbading spectacle. They tell Ghanaians that we should not worry about the cover of the document; we should focus on the substance. But if you were to get into the stuff, you will even realize that there is a bunch of contradictions. "

But the committee said it would ensure that the cover page of the charter is replaced before it is widely printed for distribution to stakeholders.

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