We erased all "ghost names" on the payroll – Controller and General Accountant


Eugene Ofosuhene, Comptroller and Accountant General, said his department had erased all ghost names on the payroll of the public sector.

According to Mr Ofosuhene, the existence of ghost names in the public sector and the activities of some individuals who organized the existence of these names hurt the coffers of Ghana, the country having lost huge amounts of its income.

Mr. Ofosuhene made a working visit to Bolgatanga, in the Far East region. He met with finance and accounts officers from district bademblies and municipal bademblies in the region to listen to their challenges and congratulate them for their role in eliminating ghost names from the public sector payroll.

Mr Ofosuhene said that the introduction of electronic paycheck system for public sector workers had contributed a lot to the exercise, adding that the government agency had the intention to maintain this system to ensure that ghost names do not reappear on the payroll.

The Comptroller and the Accountant General also discussed the introduction of another system called the Integrated Financial Management Information System in Ghana, currently used in the various metropolitan, municipal and district bademblies of the country, to prevent leakage. income and other losses. corrupt practices in the public sector.

READ ALSO: Help governments get rid of "ghost" names – Auditor General

The Comptroller and Accountant General officials present at the meeting implored Mr. Ofosuhene to ensure that the problems related to their promotion were resolved as quickly as possible, as many of them remained in the same position for years without promotion.

Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly Finance Officer Alhaji Sheriff Adam, who spoke on behalf of the staff, said that, for example, he has been on the same level for almost seven years and is discouraging.

"We have been here with other public sector employees in other departments. some of them had more than one promotion and we, with the controller and the accountant general department, are still where we are. This is not good and it must be remedied.

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