We must take personal safety seriously


Living beings, especially animals, have the innate ability to perceive, feel or know directly the activities that surround them.

Although perceptual theorists have proposed different estimates of different people as to risk levels, the fact remains that the average man can, in many cases, feel the danger before he or she is in danger. it does not happen.

As a result, the man built for years defenses around him to avoid the risks that could harm his life. This innate quality has avoided many dangers. For example, a business owner makes sure the workplace is safe for his staff.

States also devote a considerable portion of their budget to security in order to protect their citizens from internal and external attacks. At the individual level, despite the relatively better conditions in which we live and which should rather ensure us security, we live in anguish because of violent crimes such as murder, armed robbery and terrorism.

But unlike other jurisdictions where people take their personal safety very seriously, it is clear that Ghanaians have compromised their personal security and are not prepared to flee that veil, despite the threat of terrorism, kidnappings and kidnappings. strange murders we have recorded in the country. lately.

It is still common for people to make friends on social media and jump to meet such people at the slightest opportunity. Other people have found it fashionable to describe in detail their activities and movements on social media, leaving behind traces that can easily be a weapon to be used by potential attackers to attack them.

The nature of violent crime and the difficulty our security agencies have in unraveling the mysteries behind some of them testify to the fact that criminals have become sophisticated in their behavior, which is why the Daily Graphic asks all citizens to be aware of their personal safety. to save themselves from potential criminals.

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But we are worried. Our concern stems from the statement by police chief, Police Commissioner Christian Tetteh Yohuno, that Ghanaians are gullible about security attacks because we are predictable in everything we do.

Such an observation emanating from a senior police officer should not be taken lightly because it comes from a well informed position. It is a fact that the average Ghanaian tends to trust all the people he / she meets, even for the first time. We often leave things, including our homes, to people we know almost nothing about.

This attitude has led many criminals to successfully release their obligations after committing unlawful acts. Even when there is evidence of an offense, the Ghanaian is always ready to bring in influential people to help the perpetrator get out of the deal.

The Daily Graphic reminds everyone that criminals use all sorts of methods and means to commit serious crimes without being found and that citizens must act in ways that thwart the activities of offenders.

We add our voice to that of senior police officers and urge all actors to start worrying about security by refraining from vaguely discussing private matters in public, checking to see if we are being harbaded, making sure we secure our homes and our rooms before our retirement. bed and before going out.

We also need to be very vigilant, especially with people who come to work here, such as craftsmen and maids, because they could pbad vital information to criminals.

When we do these little things, we will be on the way to protect ourselves from harm.

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