We need your cooperation to deal with Iraqi jihadists in the sub-region – Akufo-Addo in the USA


President Akufo-Addo seeks support from the United States of America in dealing with jihadist groups from Iraq and other war-torn countries operating in the West African sub-region.

Calls have been made for increased security along Ghana’s borders following deadly terrorist attacks in neighboring countries.

President Akufo-Addo said countries in the sub-region, including Ghana, need the support of US intelligence services to track down terrorists.

He said this during his bilateral talks with US Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House.

President Akufo-Addo explained that this support should not take the form of an American military deployment in the sub-region but rather of assistance from the United States to allow the Ghanaian forces to track down these people.

“Many of those leading the jihadist insurgency in West Africa are people who came from Iraq after being driven out of Iraq. So I think there is information here that can help us ”.

President Akufo-Addo said such cooperation would help West African countries overcome such elements.

Earlier this month, Ghana’s national security ordered the closure of an Islamic learning center (madrasah) in Nambagla in the northern region’s Savelugu municipality.

This happened following an officer-led raid on a school that led to the arrest of 33 suspects, including the centre’s founder and spiritual leader.

National security sources confirmed to JoyNews that the operation followed months of security surveillance of the activities of the founder, who is accused of having direct links to suspected Islamist militants in northern Nigeria and the Sahel.

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