We suffered a stroke at a young age, but we overcame the obstacles with "a new sense of purpose" to break the stigma – The Sun


Every five minutes in the UK, someone undergoes a stroke.

Although it is generally thought that it affects the elderly, it can strike at any age – but the sooner a victim will receive the proper emergency care, the less likely the long-term damage will be.

    (Right) Luna Jarvis, Alice Forrester-Smih and Simone Gomes have all been stricken at a young age and inspire others by their story.


(Right) Luna Jarvis, Alice Forrester-Smih and Simone Gomes have all been stricken at a young age and inspire others by their story.Credit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

The Charity Stroke Association (Stroke) has launched a new campaign, Rebuilding Lives, which aims to highlight the challenges facing survivors of stroke.

Mark McDonald, a member of the Association, said, "Our latest findings suggest that the number of strokes in people under 45 is increasing."

Here, three inspiring women tell NATASHA CURING about their experiences of the medical emergency, in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted – with potentially disabling or even fatal results.

"It taught me not to sweat the little things"

SIMONE GOMES, from South London, was only 19 years old when she suffered a severe stroke. Now 33, she is training to become a teaching badistant.

    Simon Gomes suffered a major stroke just 19 years old, due to a heart deformity that she had since her birth


Simon Gomes suffered a major stroke just 19 years old, due to a heart deformity that she had since her birthCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

She says: "I was at home chatting with my boyfriend at the time when I started throwing up." My body then had a spasm and I could not control it anymore.

"My partner called an ambulance and when the paramedics arrived, they asked me if I was taking drugs.

"It was almost funny, because I had never even smoked a cigarette, but I could not answer because I had lost my ability to speak.

"I was taken to Lewisham Hospital before I fainted when I woke up, I was in intensive care.

    Simone was at home with her boyfriend when she was touched. She then woke up in intensive care


Simone was at home with her boyfriend when she was touched. She then woke up in intensive care

"It took five days of testing before the doctors realized that I had a severe stroke, as well as three mini-strokes in previous months, which had been caused by a heart malformation since birth.

"Looking back, I remember a few times this year that my face started to burn, but because it went quickly, I did not think about it anymore.

"My mother is a nurse, so I knew a little bit about strokes, but I did not think it would happen to me so much I was so young.

"I was hospitalized for weeks and at first I could not do anything for myself. Mom had to wash and I could not sit alone.

"Later, I was sent to rehab room where I followed intensive physiotherapy designed to help me move again.

    Simone has undergone a heart transplant and is preparing to become a teaching badistant.


Simone has undergone a heart transplant and is preparing to become a teaching badistant.Credit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

"Six years ago, I had a heart transplant, that is, I now take an anti-ejection medication.

"Even now, I have a weakness on the right side of my body and when I am tired, my speech is affected.I do not have as much energy as my friends.

"Having a stroke has taught me to appreciate my incredible family and not to sweat the little things.

"I would say to any young victim of a stroke that there is light at the end of the tunnel and to try to accept their new way of life. We are not survivors, we are survivors.


  • A stroke is a stroke, and occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted
  • There are two types of stroke
  • The ischemic stroke is the most common and is caused by a blockage that prevents blood supply to the brain.
  • In contrast, hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding in or around the brain.
  • In addition, there is a mini-stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • Blockages that trigger TIA are temporary and therefore symptoms last much shorter.
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"I go out, I drive, I live life as fully as possible. I do not let him hold me back

ALICE FORRESTER-SMITH, 26, of Chester, has spent her entire life coping with the side effects of a stroke. The promotional agent was only a baby when he hit.

    Alice Forrester-Smith was a victim of a stroke when she was a baby, but this has not been noticed for months.


Alice Forrester-Smith was a victim of a stroke when she was a baby, but this has not been noticed for months.Credit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

She says: "It is thought that I suffered a stroke during or just after my birth.

"It was only a few months later that I did not develop as a normal baby."

"Apparently, I only used my left hand and I showed no sign of autonomous seating.
"I did not learn to crawl and I did not walk until two and a half years.

    Alice had to deal with endless physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and even Botox to relax her muscles


Alice had to deal with endless physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and even Botox to relax her musclesCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

"At two years old, I was diagnosed with right hemiplegia or cerebral palsy.But it was not my hemiplegia that caused the stroke.It is likely that this accident caused my hemiplegia.

"For as long as I can remember, I've been outpatient at the hospital and have had endless physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and even Botox to relax the muscles.

"More recently, I have been operated on the right arm to alleviate it, hoping to use it more effectively.

"Despite my difficulties, my parents and my two older sisters encouraged me to" get on with the action "and because of that, I was pushed to do everything they could did.

    Alice never let the race hold her back and she even traveled the world alone


Alice never let the race hold her back and she even traveled the world aloneCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

"After school, I went to university and I traveled the world alone.

"My right side is still a lot weaker than it should be, but that means my left arm is super strong.

"I consider myself so lucky and so grateful that my family has encouraged me as much as I. I go out, drive a car, have good friends and live my life as fully as possible.

"I might not be as capable as some, but I will not let him hold me back.

    Alice even publishes blogs about her experiences to inspire others


Alice even publishes blogs about her experiences to inspire othersCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

"I will try everything, even though I am also aware of my limitations and can be more tired than others.

"It happened to me to think that my disabilities had kept me off and that I was struggling to find a full-time job.

"I blog about my experiences and I believe in empowering others.

"There are days when I feel weak but I am aware that we all have our own battles.

"I did not let the stroke define me as a person.
"I am more than my handicap."

"I feel like I have a new sense of purpose"

STUDENT Luna Jarvis, 21, from Norfolk, studies media production at Lincoln University. Last year, she had seven shots in one day.

    Luna Jarvis had seven hits in one day last year


Luna Jarvis had seven hits in one day last yearCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

She says: "The day of my shots began like the others, I was excited while I was going to a media networking event for my university course in London.

"In the coach, my face started to throb and my tongue seemed swollen and I could not speak anymore.

"Once in London, my friends took me to first aid and three paramedics badessed me, saying it was an infection at the same time. hear.

"Even though I did not feel well at all and did not speak properly, I stayed in the day and slept in the coach until I returned to Lincoln.

    Luna was initially diagnosed as having just an ear infection


Luna was initially diagnosed as having just an ear infection

"When I got home, I quickly deteriorated, and when I got up, the room spread and I felt half of my body drain and fall between my feet.

"I knew something was really wrong.

"My house mates then called an ambulance.After a six-hour wait at the hospital, I had a severe stroke on the floor in front of a doctor who thought I was drunk. They finally ordered a CT scan that showed me that I had seven strokes that day and 20% of my brain was dead.

"When my friend Louie – now my boyfriend – told me that I had to be taken to the stroke department, I asked why, saying," I'm not a retiree. "

    A CT scan showed that Luna had seven strokes that day and that 20% of her brain was dead


A CT scan showed that Luna had seven strokes that day and that 20% of her brain was deadCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

"Rehabilitation was very difficult, I had lost the use of my left side, which was more difficult because I am left-handed.

"I only stayed in the hospital for a week and a half before returning to college even though I still needed a cane.

"One year later, I'm still incredibly tired and I'm constantly afraid of another stroke, so I can not afford to lose more of my brain.

"I take an anticoagulant to prevent another attack, caused by a blood clot in the neck.

    Luna is now determined to shed light on what a stroke means


Luna is now determined to shed light on what a stroke meansCredit: Stewart Williams – The Sun

"I sometimes struggle in a cognitive way and my memory is not always clear.

"Despite the stroke, I feel like I'm getting a new goal.

"In addition to being closer to my family and friends than ever, I am determined to shed light on what it means to have a stroke.

"I want to break the fact that a stroke means death or disability for life."

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