We were waiting for the member for Kintampo South before complaining to the victims of an accident – President


General News of Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Source: citinewsroom.com


Président4 Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Oquaye

The Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Oquaye, rejected accusations that the House was not concerned about the tragic plight of victims of accidents last Friday, killing more than 70 people.

According to the Speaker of the Parliament, the deputy of Kintampo-Sud, Felicia Adjei, had already been instructed by the leadership of Parliament to inform the House of the accident.

In defense of Parliament, said the Speaker, the member was still in her riding struggling with the consequences of the accident and, as a result, the comments were put aside until her return. .

Parliament was sharply criticized on Monday for honoring the memory of the victims of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, as well as the shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand, without making a statement about the terrible incidents in the country.

Ghanaians of social media have called on leaders not to talk about the accidents that claimed the lives of 70 people on Friday.

Speaking to MPs, Professor Mike Oquaye said Parliament was concerned about the accident and that it was unfortunate that the public misunderstood his actions.

The Speaker of Parliament said: "From the road accident involving both buses. I learned that members of the public wondered why there was no statement of this tragedy yesterday in this honorable badembly at the time we had talked about a tragedy elsewhere. We have a parliamentary press organ if the media engaged them before the relevant report because we had good reasons yesterday, the member who had already tabled a statement had to leave because of what had happened in her constituency and its leaders have agreed that she must be the appropriate person to direct the declaration of this in this honorable chamber.

He also added; "We want the public to also publish this as a way of reflecting the truth, this house is very concerned about such issues and will deal with these issues diligently and with dedication"

Meanwhile, Kintampo-South MP Felicia Adjei, currently in Accra, has called on the government to support the families of the victims.

In order to cope with road accidents in the country, the MP from Kintampo South called on the Ministry of Roads and Highways to duplicate all major highways in the country.

"The Ministry of Roads and Highways must work together and make our roads much safer for the homeless population. This accident could have been avoided if the driver of one of the vehicles had listened to the pbadenger according to a narrative of the survivor of the accident … The government through the Ministry of Roads and Roads should urgently expand double lane roads and provide street lights to all our major highways. "

"We call on the government to urgently identify the families of deceased victims and to duly support these families so that they recover from their losses."

However, the deputies observed a minute of silence for the victims of today's accident. [Tuesday] meeting.

Accident Kintampo: ban on night travel for commercial vehicles

Inusah Fusieni, former Minister of Roads and Roads, called for the ban on night-time travel by private vehicles following the tragic bus crash on the Techiman-Kintampo road, which left more than 60 dead last Friday .

"We should take a courageous and bold decision to ban overnight trips of pbadenger vehicles," said the former minister at Citi News.

Mr Fuseini believes that such an approach will significantly reduce road accidents in the country.

He also insisted that there was sufficient evidence that long, far-away journeys at night contributed greatly to road accidents.

"Why would we allow drivers to continue driving at night while they could benefit from the sun providing over a thousand watts of light to be seen everywhere. Night driving can subject the body of a driver to many hardships; exhaustion is the worst culprit. "

Renewed road safety concerns after the accident prompted a number of proposals, including calls for the duplication of all highways, the installation of speed inhibitors to prevent vehicles from traveling beyond the speed limit. a certain level of speed and the use of two drivers during journeys of more than four hours.

In the accident on the Techiman-Kintampo road, two buses collided between 1:40 am and 2 am.

The accident involved a VVIP Kia bus from Garu in the upper East region for Kumasi and a Grandbird bus from Accra to Bolgantaga.

A mbad burial was organized for 39 people who died from burns caused by a burn.

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