We will achieve SDG 6 through the sanitation challenge for Ghana


The Director General of Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Hon. Osei Assibey Antwi reaffirmed his badembly's commitment to achieving the six Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6), motivated by the Sanitation Challenge for Ghana.

According to the mayor, he was not surprised that his metropolis was selected to participate in the final stage of the contest (Dignified City Award).

He hinted that the overall qualifies for the next stage of the challenge due to the level of innovative strategies put in place to manage liquid waste from the set up.

L & # 39; Hon. After attending the learning and training workshop on July 18 and 19, 2017, Osei Assibey Antwi said that her office had charged all the directors and heads of departments / units of the badembly of collaborate with the Environmental Health, Waste Management and Planning Unit. Win the £ 400,000 prize attached to the contest.

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n exclusive interview with ModernGhana.Com after a field visit to the different project sites, the mayor presented the main projects that the badembly was able to achieve thanks to the challenge.

He said that since the introduction of the Ghana Sanitation Challenge in 2015, the competition has motivated its badembly to find innovative ways to improve the management of liquid waste and the problems therein. were badociated in the metropolis.

Hon Osei Asibbey revealed that the Assembly had signed a memorandum of understanding with more than seven private sector organizations and other NGOs in order to fully realize the objectives of the Assembly in the framework of the Challenge.

"The private sector and NGOs are major players in solving liquid waste problems in the country, which is why the badembly considered it prudent to work with them to achieve the desired results," he said.

The mayor added that, apart from the memoranda of understanding signed with these strategic partners, the KMA awarded contracts for the rehabilitation of its liquid waste treatment basins in Oti and Chipratre with respect.

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Mr. Joshua Tetteh-Nortey, Head of Metropolitan Planning and Senior Strategist, noted that the badembly has organized, in collaboration with its partners, several training workshops for artisans on the technologies of domestic toilet construction.

The planner said that an institutional toilet had been built and competed in the Adumanu M7A school group.

"With this toilet facility, an Operations and Maintenance Manual has been developed for the efficient maintenance of newly constructed latrines. We have also trained a number of vacuum tankers on the use of the wastewater treatment pond rehabilitated in Oti, "he added.

Mr Tetteh-Nortey added that, thanks to his collaboration with "our own team, the badembly was able to distribute and install 163 affordable and respectful container sanitation facilities in Moshie Zongo's homes".

This technology allowed residents who did not have toilets in their homes to purchase one of these affordable containers at affordable prices.

Mr. Osei Assibey Bonsu, a waste management engineer at Metropolitan, attributed the success of implementing innovative liquid waste management strategies to his collaboration with the key players in the badembly process. .

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He congratulated the Sanitation Challenge Team for Ghana for introducing such an innovative competition among the country's MMDAs.

The Director of Waste Management also congratulated the Mayor of Kumasi, Hon. Osei Assibey Antwi for her unwavering commitment and support to the team implementing the challenge throughout the project.

He expressed the hope that with all the innovations that the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly has deployed for sanitation change, the badembly would have the opportunity to win the contest.

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