We will not accept "cock and bull's history"; to produce a missing RCC vehicle or face our anger – NDC


General News of Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Source: Ananpansah B Abraham


Salifu Adam Braimah Adam Braimah Salifu, Regional Minister of Savannah

Savannah 's regional communications office, the opposition National Democratic Congress, has urged the Savannah Regional Coordination Council (SRCC) to urgently produce the missing Toyota Hilux pickup truck belonging to the region. to face anger.

In a four-page statement signed by his communications director, Malik Basintale described as unfortunate the deliberate refusal to publicly disclose and the internal directive not to disclose the issue file by the CCR, as well as confusing stories and half cooked. stories.

They wondered why the vehicle registered WR 3516-19 was not parked at the Northern Regional Coordinating Council, as provided by law, but at the residence of a friend of the Minister.

They also seek to know why the said vehicle among the lot did not include any RCC registration, adding that said Eliasu, at whose residence the vehicle was allegedly stolen, is one of Hon's major financiers. Campaign activities of Salifu Braimah.

They allege that Alhaji Eliasu, "an accomplice" of the regional minister, would have links with a car rental shop in which said Hilux pickup truck was seen among other rental vehicles, which made him would give five business days to produce the angry vehicle.

The missing vehicle was one of eight vehicles presented by President Akufo-Addo when he inspected the site for the construction of the Savannah Regional Coordination Council a few weeks ago.

Meanwhile, Ananpansah B Abraham of Ghanaweb collects information on the vines that the vehicle has since been found, but in the absence of public disclosure, speculation is well underway.

It can also be confirmed that the Damongo Youth Parliament (DYP), a non-partisan and recognized youth group based in Damongo, is making frenzied efforts to find official information about the controversy in order to represent the public interest.

Read the full statement below:


The Savannah Regional-NDC has seen over the last few days some inside information surrounding the alleged theft of a Toyota Hilux pickup truck owned by the Savannah Regional Area Coordinating Council. In fact, the whole region was left in shock and rife with the many stories and witnesses of the missing vehicle's circumnavigation.

As a political party born of integrity and responsibility and a leading player in the Savannah region, we sought to clarify things, with some questions after our investigations.


In the midst of the deliberate refusal to speak and the internal directive to remain tight by the regional coordinating council on this, we intercepted stories from various groups from the regional police command, regional and relatives of the minister, as well as many testimonies. Given this, we want to limit our attention to two major accounts.

First of all, the fact is taken from the site www.graphic.com.

According to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DSP), Mr. Mohammed Yusif Tanko, Police Public Relations Officer for the Northern Region, the vehicle was parked in the residence of a certain Alhaji Illiasu in Tamale. Alhaji Illiasu is a friend of the Savannah Regional Minister, Mr. Salifu Adam Braimah. So the minister went to park the vehicle at his place while he was there. [Minister] traveled out of town for a meeting.

According to Alhaji Illiasu in his complaint to the police, the traveling minister left the vehicle in his custody, which he parked at his home. DSP Tanko said that he [Alhaji Illiasu] was at home around 9 am on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, when armed robbers attacked him under the threat of a gun and asked him for the vehicle keys. He stated that he had handed the keys to the thieves. They caught him in the vehicle and left about twenty kilometers from his home, dropped him and fled with the vehicle.

Secondly, the fact is provided at www.Ghanaweb.com which states: The Toyota Hilux pickup truck bearing registration number WR 3516-19, according to police sources who allegedly confirmed to MyNewsGh. com, had chosen the minister in Damongo and had been dropped off at the Tamale airport to attend an official meeting in Accra. Upon his return to the suburbs of Tamale, the driver identified as Eliasu was attacked by armed men from about five people who seized the vehicle and then tied him to a tree in the bush and was have run away with the vehicle. Some people who later spotted him tied to the tree while he was going to the farm saved him, after which an official complaint was filed with the police command from the North Region, who confirmed it.


1. It is well known that the official vehicle of the Regional Minister is a Nissan Patrol V8 vehicle that was given to him. Why did the minister not use his official vehicle when he claims that the mission was official?

2. Mr. Minister, it is well known that the Minister is entitled to a convoy of police dispatches, to a police force BodyGuard et al. Why did the minister not use that kind of thing that day, if there is anything left to say?

3. It is well known that the aligned offices of the ministers in the other regions constitute their respective CCCs. Minister, Why was the vehicle not parked at the NR-RCC in accordance with the law, but at a friend's home? In any event, why was the pick-up truck not parked at the ministers' residence in Kpalsi, Tamale, since he claims to have left the vehicle in Tamale.

4. Minister, Why was the news of the so-called "robbery" not aired until some people who needed pick-up for other missions started raising Red Flags in the lack of picking a few days later?


1. What is the relationship between Alhaji Eliasu and Hon. Salifu Braimah, because it is alleged that Alhaji Eliasu was an important financier for Hon. The campaign of Braimah and, therefore, attributing it badets of the State leads to a conflict of interest with the family and the friends?

2. It is alleged that Alhaji Eliasu has links to a car rental with the Said Hilux pickup with registration number WR 3516-19 being added to rented vehicles a few times?

3. Of all the other vehicles bearing the "Savannah Regional -RCC" listing, why does the allegedly stolen Toyota Hilux pickup truck not carry the same symbol but stay like any pickup truck? normal?

4. Why did the minister refuse to talk about the issue even though it is alleged that he spoke to the so-called thieves several days ago on the phone?

5. Why did the minister, accompanied by his "accomplice" Alhaji Eliasu, refuse to disclose to the police the existence of rumors that the so-called "stolen car" was being rented when the "stolen car" was leased? Is the incident of help being produced?

From the badysis above and other confidential information {Not included above}, it is clear that the sequence leading to the so called "So Called" robbery of the Toyota Hilux Pick Up does not occur. do not add up and that the two stories being peddled by members involved in this crime obviously activity and never be accepted.

We implore the regional minister and his team to give up implementing what they learned so quickly from their leaders so as not to tarnish the remarkable image of the region and, to a large extent, its riding, since he also sits in Parliament the constituency of Salaga South.

We therefore give the Regional Minister, Mr. Adam Salifu Braimah, an ultimatum of 5 working days to deliver the Toyota Hilux pickup truck to the Savannah Region Regional Coordination Council, knowing full well that the pickup truck has left the hands of Mr. Eliasu, who is a businessman or is willing to cooperate later with the consequences that flow from the law, since there is a clear demonstration of incompetence and violation of the mandate.

We urge the Ghana Police Service to continue their investigations and not to be used in cases like this in order not to tarnish their hard-earned reputation. Thank you.

Malik Basintale

(Regional Communications Officer, NDC-Savannah Region)


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