We will not hesitate to shoot and kill saboteurs – GRIDCo security


General News on Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Source: citinewsroom.com


ECG GRIDCO Photo file

The Ghana Grid Company Limited security team (GRIDCo) will not hesitate to shoot and kill any person or group of people who would attempt to destroy property belonging to the company.

This warning follows a recent attempt by unscrupulous people to burn pipes in the Tema electrical enclave and the destruction of a pylon belonging to GRIDCo during the past two weeks.

S addressing the media as part of a tour of the relevant pipelines owned by a private company, Cirrus Oil Services, GRIDCO's safety officer, Major Lawrence Appiah (Rtd), said the The necessary security was put in place to deal with any threat that could have an impact on food.

"We want to tell those who do it because they do not want the good of Ghana to be very careful about what they intend to do. We are ready with the soldiers. We know the rules of engagement, but we will not hesitate if the arrest does not work; shoot to kill because Ghana has to succeed. "

"We all know that the government is working hard to improve the power everyone can enjoy. Unfortunately, some people are not interested and try to do something to reduce it. We will not sit down and allow that, so we have done everything we need to do. We have soldiers, the police, the BNI and national security who help us to make sure to smother him, "he added.

Recent attacks against the properties of GRIDCo

On Monday, some people alleged to be arsonists set fire to gas pipelines in the Tema enclave.

Nana Damoah, public relations officer of the Ministry of Energy, said the police had opened an investigation into the incident in order to arrest the perpetrators.

"Last night, security officers conducting regular checks along the pipelines serving one of the Tema enclave plants found that people had packed car tires on pipelines carrying fuel." to the power station and set them on fire, then the [pipelines] were burning, "said Damoah.

He also said that the Ministry of Energy was employing to arrest people who were trying to destroy properties belonging to the ministry.

Two weeks ago, one of the 161,000 towers in the GRIDCo enclave, near Tema Free Zone, fell on another tower after it became apparent that the locks securing the pylon had been deliberately cut. and removed.

These incidents occurred as a result of the recent energy crisis in which Ghanaians suffered a power outage nationwide.

GRIDCo strongly suspects that the Tema pylon was shot down by vandalism and not by attempted robbery.

Energy Minister John Peter Amewu said he did not rule out political sabotage in the apparent vandalism of the high voltage transmission tower.

TOR becomes a danger for encroaching control pipelines

Last year, it appeared that craftsmen and squatters, as well as drivers of transport vehicles, had built a colony near the surface pipelines belonging to the Tema Oil Refinery.

Despite the dangers badociated with this, the squatters had found a place to live around the pipelines linking the port of Tema to the refinery, exposing the pipes and themselves to danger.

They were then expelled from the place.

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