Wednesday Highlights – Big Brother Network


That's Eviction Eve in the Big Brother 21's house and what would an Eviction Eve be without excitement !? Get all the Big Brother spoilers live below to find out what HG has put together a plan to possibly reverse the vote!

If you have Live Feeds, you can watch all those moments with the Flashback function to go back and watch those important conversations or fun scenes you may have missed.

8:38 AM: BBT – Cliff is talking.

8:42 AM: BBT – He hears someone coming down the stairs and listens to anyone who goes up the stairs. He then begins to talk about the white knife (the only sharp knife in the house) that disappeared the other day, and then Orwell disappeared last night. Discussions about the joke he played on the HG with the fake mouse he made stuffed in dryer. He says that he got the best of Jackson but that he felt bad because he jumped and made his ankle worse.

9:28 AM – BBT – Jackson wakes up and hears Cliff talking about Christie's reasoning about putting Ovi off last week. He also hears Cliff talking about the possibility that the POV will be used on Kat in his place, that Kemi goes up, that Kemi has gone home and that Ovi is still at home.

9:49 AM: BBT – Jackson enters the shooting room at the bow and informs Christie, Tommy and Holly of what he has heard from Cliff.

9:52 AM: BBT – Holly, Jackson, Christie talk about having Orwell resurface and hide it again every two or three days.

10:10 BBC – HGs receive their wake-up call.

10:12 AM: BBT – Holly talks about frustration because she has a target on her back for no reason.

10:50 AM BBT – David tells Kemi that she should try to interact more with others and smile, even if it's a fake.

10:55 am: BBT – Sam and Kemi chat in the storage room. He told him that he was originally going home, but he heard some comments and he wants to try to get more people together and to speak to the vote.

11:10 BBT – Sam goes to Nick and Bella with the idea of ​​keeping Kemi. He tells them that he can go see Jack and tell him that Jessica wants to first that all the guys leave the house. Nicole joins the conversation and informs her and adds that the way Jess acted could help convince her. Nick, Bella and Nicole tell him that they are on board.

11:17 AM BBT – Nick and Bella take Christie to the storeroom and tell him that Sam wants to reverse the vote. Christie says if she's going to try her luck against Jack, then she's screwed up.

11:47 AM: BBT – Bella is telling Kemi that she talked about the alliance to Sam yesterday and that's why she thinks Sam makes that decision. Meanwhile, Holly and Nicole talk in the RS and Nicole wants to tell Holly that she never said she was her target. Holly thinks Nick does this to put a target on Nicole's back.

12:03 PM – BBT – Sam talks to Jack in RS Sam tells Jack that Jess made it clear that she would never put a girl in jail and that she would only target the men of the house. Sam suggests they take Jessica out now, put Kemi and Cliff together next week and that if anyone wins the POV, the other will go home. Jack tells him that he is ready to do what is best for Gr8ful, and then he corrects himself with "The Nine Alliance".

12:07 AM – BBT – Jack mentioned that Jess had mentioned wanting to pillow Nick and Bella after Bella had lied about leaving Black Widows. Jack thinks they should bring the whole group together and see what everyone thinks as a group.

12:14 BBT – Kemi asks Cliff if they had to vote today, does he know how he would vote? He said that he would vote for Kemi to stay because he thinks that with regard to the next HOH, he is more confident that Kemi could beat Jess. He actually mentioned that he would have to vote with the House to keep the target away from his back.

12:20 pm: BBT – Holly communicates to Analysis and Christie the conversation she had with Nicole about Nick. Holly says it's Nick who mentioned Holly and Analyze to Nicole. Analyzing means something to Nick.

12:25 PM: BBT – Jack joins the conversation and presents what Sam has offered him. Analyze says she does not change her vote, Holly adds that she does not think it's a good idea. Christie tells her that it does not make any difference to her. Christie tells them that she will do what they decide.

12:38 PM: BBT – Jack, Holly and Analyze talk about Christie telling Nick and Bella what Cliff said. They all agree that Christie has shared too much with them. They all hope that Kat will win the HOH tomorrow night as she will go after Nick and Bella.

12:45 pm: BBT – Analysis tells Holly that she wants to win HOH because she will play Sam or Nick, but she needs to know that Sam does not have the power.

12:50 pm: BBT – Nick chats with Jackson, Analyze and Holly in the HOH play. They speculate on who has the two powers. Nobody tells Nick that Ovi has the first power.

12:55 pm: BBT – Christie talks to Sam about how Analyze is jealous of her because she thinks Jack is in love with Christie. The discussion then focuses on how the vote could end without the help of the rest of the alliance. He tells her that he would at least need her or Tommy to dismiss Jessica. She tells him that she will try to have Jack alone and talk to her about overturning the vote, but she will vote against Jessica only if he agrees that Kemi will stay.

1:30 pm BBT – Nicole tells Ovi that she thinks she has the votes to reverse the vote as long as Christie or Tommy voted with them. Nicole and Cliff explain why. Nicole thinks if they told Kat five minutes before the vote that the vote was out Jess, she thought she would. However, they should wait just before she leaves.

1:38 pm: BBT – Jackson tells David that he wants to talk about gambling, he can talk gaming with him and it will stay between them, but do it while they are hiding in plain view. He says it's best to do it while they work in the yard because no one can hear anything.

1:40 pm: Nicole tells Ovi that she feels good in the house. She thinks she knows the house pretty well and knows that there are bigger fry in the house.

1:50 pm BBT – Sam tells Nick that some people in the alliance do not want to keep Kemi at home. Sam says that he does not want to be at the bottom of the barrel and he knows that all the couples will work to protect each other and that he will stay alone.

2:03 PM BBT – Sam tells Jack that Cliff was asking who was leaving this week. He tells her that the vote is still for Kemi to go away. Sam says he's worried if Jess wins HOH next week.

2:33 PM – BBT – Holly tells Jess about the attempt to reverse the vote. Holly says she does not think they'll be able to do that and tells her that she thinks Jess is safe this week as they will not be able to return the vote.

14:55: BBT – Nicole talks to Jackson. She tells him that she was asked by Nick about choosing the person she would accept if she won HOH. She explains to Jackson how Nick put Analyze and Holly's name in her mouth, but she never said that Holly or Analyze was a target for her. Jackson tells him that he trusts her and that there are people in the house who are drawing him.

3:00 pm EST – Jackson returns to the shooting room at the bow and tells Analyze, Holly and Christie his conversation with Nicole. Analyze wants to confront Nick, but they all tell him she can not.

There was a glimmer of hope for action in the Big Brother's house, but that does not look very good right now. There are enough people in the house who want Jack to leave, but do not want to do the dirty work themselves. We will just have to wait and see what happens there.

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