What did Mike Kanellis do to deserve this?


Mike and Maria Kanellis have recently signed a new contract with WWE, apparently for long-term contracts. Very soon after, they were broadcast on television and Mike was always treated like absolute shit.

It goes from comic to evil at ease.

First, Maria revealed that she was pregnant during a mixed match, while saying that she did not know how he got her pregnant because he was not enough man to do such a thing. Then she eviscerated him again, calling her husband's failure and, more or less, pathetic. Later, she insinuated that he may not have been the father of his unborn child.

It was so bad.

It hit a new low this week.

Maria, who still considers that Mike is an absolute waste of space, tried to beat him because, in his opinion, she, even pregnant, would have a better chance of winning. Of course, she was not allowed to do it and he fought as planned.

He lost in a few seconds. For Zack Ryder.

He was crushed. By Zack Ryder.

He was beaten all at once, by ZACK. RYDER.

Again, I ask: What did Mike Kanellis do to deserve this?

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