What does Elizabeth Holmes, from Theranos, tell us (or not) about feminism?

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Elizabeth Holmes 2014


As Women's History Month draws to a close, critics and feminists ponder the story of Theranos' infamous CEO, Elizabeth Holmes. The documentary of HBO "The inventor: looking for blood in Silicon ValleyHolmes captivated the imagination and tapped into the greed and pride of the clbad of investors (mostly men). She raised more than $ 600 million and took her investors on an adventure that ended in shame. His faulty product – a quick, cheap and complete blood test, using only a finger prick rather than a blood test – would have been miraculous had it worked. But that's not the case, and she knew it. She has hidden her faults and is now facing charges of federal fraud. Her very public rise and fall called her feminist anti-hero.

Rolling stone & # 39;s EJ Dickson supports that Holmes, which she calls "Toxic Lady", is the product of "Lean In" feminism. Operations Director of Facebook & nbsp;& nbsp; Sheryl Sandberg's bestselling & nbsp;book urged women to be ambitious, to raise their hand at work and to expect more from their spouse. Dickson and other argue that Sandberg promoted a brand of pseudo-feminism that failed to solve race and clbad problems and left the male society model intact. However, Holmes' leadership style, characterized by mismanagement, secrecy, deception and paranoia (dressed in black and an adopted baritone voice), has little to do with feminism. It has had its ups and downs thanks to Silicon Valley's predilection for charismatic leaders and its willingness to believe that a person without experience or expertise in biology and engineering could embark on and solve a medical problem on which experts had been working for years. This is very similar to the belief of some Americans that the hyper-individual Trump could solve the trade, North Korea and health care. (Who knew that they were so complicated?)

In the end, the story of Elizabeth Holmes does not have much to tell us about feminism because it is not primarily a feminist story. Yes, the fact that Holmes is a woman has undoubtedly played a role in her story: it is more difficult for women to convince venture capitalists and others of the value of their ideas. Her whiteness and her rich relationship helped her overcome this obstacle. Then, once she got a critical sponsorship and funding, the fact that she's a young woman has undoubtedly helped make Elizabeth Holmes a media darling. But Holmes was not a feminist. She was above all a ruthless individualist and a crook. She s supported on the language of the genre when it suits him, but decides to emulate Steve Jobs and ambad as much personal power as possible. As Dickson notes, "Holmes has not realized that hiding in feminism only works if you actively advocate for women's rights other than yourself."

Dickson continues to connect what is called lean in feminism to the fuss surrounding the presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar widely reported bad treatment of his staff. She misinterprets Jennifer Palmieri observation in politico that we impose on men a different standard from that of women as a defense of the underlying misbehavior. But the example of Klobuchar is a red herring. First of all, the Senator from Minnesota is different from Holmes in that she has worked to develop policies that benefit all women. But more importantly, Palmieri does not pretend that it is okay to mishandle your staff. His point of view is media prejudices: when men do, they are called "demanding" and "abusive", while women are labeled "violent" or "toxic". The cure is not to stop denouncing the behavior of women. . At best, feminism, gender equity, and equity are not about imposing lower standards on women, but about imposing on everyone – women and men – high-quality behavior. Shame on all of us and the press if we do not expect the basic decency of powerful men, but do not give women a pbad just because we are not tough enough with men.

Klobuchar has wish that she will be a better boss, and I would like to see her follow up: ask her team to improve her working conditions and culture, and maybe even work with an executive coach to gather feedback and help improve one's self-awareness It would be good to see some of these "hard dummy" men doing the same thing. They would all do well to look at & nbsp; at the example of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, which not only advocates progressive policies, but also puts its own budget in place by paying all its decent wage. This type of approach really helps to create opportunities for a diverse workforce. I remember a story in To become in which Michelle Obama recounts her experience of being offered for non-profit work and at a salary so low that only a wealthy person could afford to accept. The well-meaning leaders of the organization were not aware of the economic challenges faced by people outside their own organization. socio-economic clbad. Obama had the audacity to be transparent about his financial needs, which included a high monthly payment of his student loan and the lack of profit to increase the salary so that it could become member. This is the kind of leaning in it helps to change the workplace in a way that not only benefits white privileged women.

And what about Elizabeth Holmes? She's not & nbsp; an example of "lean in feminism" or any other type of feminism. His story tells us more about the toxic myth of individualism, greed and hybris than about women in leadership positions.


Elizabeth Holmes 2014


As Women's History Month draws to a close, critics and feminists ponder the story of Theranos' infamous CEO, Elizabeth Holmes. The documentary of HBO "The inventor: looking for blood in Silicon ValleyHolmes captivated the imagination and tapped into the greed and pride of the clbad of investors (mostly men). She raised more than $ 600 million and took her investors on an adventure that ended in shame. His faulty product – a quick, cheap and complete blood test, using only a finger prick rather than a blood test – would have been miraculous had it worked. But that's not the case, and she knew it. She has hidden her faults and is now facing charges of federal fraud. Her very public rise and fall called her feminist anti-hero.

Rolling stone & # 39;s EJ Dickson supports that Holmes, which she calls "Toxic Lady", is the product of "Lean In" feminism. Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook book urged women to be ambitious, to raise their hand at work and to expect more from their spouse. Dickson and others argue that Sandberg promoted a form of pseudo-feminism that failed to solve race and clbad problems and left the male business model intact. However, Holmes' leadership style, characterized by mismanagement, secrecy, deception and paranoia (dressed in black and an adopted baritone voice), has little to do with feminism. It has had its ups and downs thanks to Silicon Valley's predilection for charismatic leaders and its willingness to believe that a person without experience or expertise in biology and engineering could embark on and solve a medical problem on which experts had been working for years. This is very similar to the belief of some Americans that the hyper-individual Trump could solve the trade, North Korea and health care. (Who knew that they were so complicated?)

In the end, the story of Elizabeth Holmes does not have much to tell us about feminism because it is not primarily a feminist story. Yes, the fact that Holmes is a woman has undoubtedly played a role in her story: it is more difficult for women to convince venture capitalists and others of the value of their ideas. Her whiteness and her rich relationship helped her overcome this obstacle. Then, once she got a critical sponsorship and funding, the fact that she's a young woman has undoubtedly helped make Elizabeth Holmes a media darling. But Holmes was not a feminist. She was above all a ruthless individualist and a crook. She s supported on the language of the genre when it suits him, but decides to emulate Steve Jobs and ambad as much personal power as possible. As Dickson notes, "Holmes has not realized that hiding in feminism only works if you actively advocate for women's rights other than yourself."

Dickson continues to connect what is called lean in feminism to the fuss surrounding the presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar widely reported bad treatment of his staff. She misinterprets Jennifer Palmieri observation in politico that we impose on men a different standard from that of women as a defense of the underlying misbehavior. But the example of Klobuchar is a red herring. First of all, the Senator from Minnesota is different from Holmes in that she has worked to develop policies that benefit all women. But more importantly, Palmieri does not pretend that it is okay to mishandle your staff. His point of view is media prejudices: when men do, they are called "demanding" and "abusive", while women are labeled "violent" or "toxic". The cure is not to stop denouncing the behavior of women. . At best, feminism, gender equity, and equity are not about imposing lower standards on women, but about imposing on everyone – women and men – high-quality behavior. Shame on all of us and the press if we do not expect the basic decency of powerful men, but do not give women a pbad just because we are not tough enough with men.

Klobuchar has wish that she will be a better boss and I would like to see her follow up: ask her team to strengthen her working conditions and culture, and maybe even work with an executive coach to collect comments and help to improve self – awareness. It would be good to see some of these "hard dummy" men doing the same thing. They would all do well to take example on Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, which not only advocates progressive policies, but also puts its own budget in place by paying all its decent wage. This type of approach really helps to create opportunities for a diverse workforce. I remember a story in To become in which Michelle Obama recounts her experience of being offered for non-profit work and at a salary so low that only a wealthy person could afford to accept. Well-meaning leaders of the organization have no idea of ​​the economic challenges faced by people who are not part of their socio-economic clbad. Obama had the audacity to be transparent about his financial needs, including a hefty monthly student loan payment and the lack of profit to raise the salary so that she could become a member. This is the kind of leaning in it helps to change the workplace in a way that not only benefits white privileged women.

And what about Elizabeth Holmes? She's not an example of "skinny in feminism" or any other kind of feminism. His story tells us more about the toxic myth of individualism, greed and hybris than about women in leadership positions.

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