What does it mean if a president asks an African American to return to his country?


Under Donald Trump's administration, democracy is a totally different version of America's political history. While the opposition and other Americans hate him, other Americans strongly support the American president, who many consider racist, but would not admit.

The story that makes the news in the United States is that of Donald Trump against Ilhan Omar, member of the US Parliament, Somali refugee Somali nationality, US citizen since 2000.

Omar, born in Mogadishu in 1981, escaped at the age of 10 with her family from the Civil War. She is one of four US deputies that the White House has described as anti-American, asking them to return to corrupt and haunted countries. from where they came.

Although Donald Trump has never openly agreed to be a racist, his comments against foreigners, African Americans, and Hispanics reveal that the current US president is a pure racist. Imagine, an American president who describes Africa as a "messy nation".

Donald Trump did not target only the Somali MP, he also asked representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley to return to their home country.

The stories were very controversial in the United States, and a few days ago the Democratic House of Commons pbaded a resolution condemning the president's racist remarks, but the offenses did not stop.

At a rally in North Carolina, Trump supporters turn against Ilhan Omar, shouting, "Send her away." Ilhan Omar is not afraid of Trump and does not allow him to intimidate him. As a result, via Twitter social media, she responded to Trump's racist Tweets. with a poem by the late African-American Maya Angelou.

"You can shoot me with your words, you can cut me with your eyes, you can kill me with your hate, but nevertheless, like the air, I will get up. "

Omar's family arrived in the United States in 1995. In 2000, at the age of 19, she became a US citizen, but her coexistence in the new country was not easy at beginning. As a girl, she was bullied for her hijab.

Over the years, she has obtained her redemption, with studies and a civil commitment. In 2016, following the election of the House of Representatives of Minnesota, she became the first woman of Somali Muslim descent elected to a position in the United States.

However, it seems that his hard work, intelligence and popularity have been Donald Trump's nightmare. Therefore, she tried to make her life miserable, but she never will be.

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