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As the world marked World Health Day, one could not escape the obvious lack of understanding of one of the many under-reported aspects of health, mental health.
There are many diseases that more than often have been fatal. While the world is struggling with the deadliest diseases, certain medical conditions can cause an individual to end his life. Depression is considered one of the main reasons for the increasing number of suicidal tendencies in the world, even among people with the most ideal life.
In the majority of cases, patients forget that they undergo a medical complication but a curable illness nonetheless.
According to experts badociated with the APA (American Psychiatric Association), "Depression is a common and serious condition that negatively affects your feelings, your way of thinking and acting. Depression causes feelings of sadness and / or loss of interest in activities she has already experienced. This can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can reduce a person's ability to function at work and at home. "
Symptoms of depression can range from mild to severe. Severe conditions can lead to thoughts of death or suicide.
More recently, several suicides have occurred, including those of the famous designer Kate Spade and the famous chef Anthony Bourdain. People from all walks of life commit suicide and tendencies point to the fact that depression has nothing to do with wealth, success or faith, nor even with its absence.
Some of the most unexpected celebrity suicides have led social media to an explosion of messages and messages, urging people to "check on your strongest friends" and live messages like "You're NOT alone ". Yet most people with depression do not advance and do not talk about their condition and their experience.
APA adds, "Depression affects about one in 15 adults (6.7%) a year. And one in six (16.6%) will experience depression at some point in their life. Depression can strike anytime, but on average it appears for the first time in the late teens and mid-twenties. Women are more likely than men to suffer from depression. Some studies show that one-third of women will experience a major depressive episode during their lifetime. "
Shehar Bano Rizvi, a Pakistani expatriate, has been living in Doha for 14 years. Rizvi is an influential social media person who suffers from depression and speaks openly about his experience.
"I never thought it could happen before I left Karachi 14 years ago. I got married and moved to Doha. It changed everything in my life. I left my family, my job and my country to move to a new place, without friends or career. "
"Like any newly married woman, I enjoyed this break for about six months. Everything was perfect, but the sadness began to seep. I did not want to go out; getting out of bed every morning seemed a daunting task and I could not even understand what was wrong with me. "
She says that she is very happy with her husband. Yet a cloud of sadness covered her. "My husband realized that I missed my job. I went back to my job which helped me come back to life.
"But then, the sadness hit me again when I was dealing with infertility and I was going through her emotionally exhausting treatment. Questions, comments and remarks like "When will we have a baby, why not stop working and focus on starting a family, have they continued to make fun of me?"
The depressive episode became so serious for her that she thought she would end her life. "I had suicidal thoughts and that's when my husband came to the conclusion that it was not something I could not deal with myself or he could talk to me. I really needed professional help. "
At first, Rizvi was reluctant to go to a specialist. She also found it very difficult to share her condition with the specialist. "For the first time ever, I told a stranger how I felt, tears running down my cheeks uncontrollably as I confessed my darkest and deepest thoughts and fears. The psychiatrist immediately understood that I needed help and I prescribed medication.
Her condition began to improve as she was following the psychiatrist's prescription. "In less than two weeks, I started to see a difference. I was able to get out of bed and go out. I was able to function and it was getting better and better with the times. "
Speaking about what one can do to help oneself, she said, "Exercise can do wonders for your brain's health." A single workout increases neurotransmitter levels like serotonin in the brain and improves your mood almost immediately.
The diet can also have an impact on
your brain health. For example, green leafy vegetables like kale, avocado, berries, bananas, nuts, etc. are considered good for the health of your brain. "
She believes that depression is real. "It has nothing to do with the strength (or weakness) of your faith. how rich and blessed your life is or how ungrateful you are to sulk and not be grateful to God for all the blessings of life. "
Martyn Stewart is a registered psychologist with the British Psychological Society. He is an international educator, consultant, author, coach and motivational speaker. He is currently head of psychology at Doha College and creator of 'The Fear Project', which has been developed to help individuals, schools and businesses cope with mental well-being and psychological health issues.
The expert insists on the correct diagnosis. "We hear the word" depressed "being casually thrown out and it can stigmatize people or lead to self-fulfilling prophecies and bad decisions. With so much information available on the internet and in the media about psychological disorders, it's hard to know what to trust. People want their information quickly, which can lead to an incorrect self-diagnosis. A diagnosis of depression should be made by a qualified clinician. They use very specific symptom criteria to draw their conclusions. There are many symptoms of depression and many different types.
While expressing on the treatment of depression, Martyn said that in addition to clinical treatment, many coping strategies could be used. "Depression has physical and cognitive symptoms. This means that treatments could target brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters, which are related to mood.
"Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is usually offered in combination with medication. There are many types of CBT, but they all act by challenging patients to address and modify the erroneous thoughts that have been used in the past to maintain the depressive state. Techniques may include "thought capture, cognitive restructuring and rational behavioral therapy involving challenging or challenging the patient's irrational attitudes and beliefs in order to replace them and build new ones. CBT has become the most used therapy for depression in many countries.
"If a treatment program has not been successful, it is important not to be discouraged, because an alternative program could be more effective. In situations like this, in dealing with depression, it is important to ensure that your support systems and environmental stimuli are positive and productive. You want to be surrounded by optimistic, understanding and productive individuals within your family, your friendship and your social circle. "
The expert believes that the triggers of depression are different for everyone. He has some tips to share. "Some general measures meant to minimize depressive episodes are; Eat well and exercise regularly, make sure you get enough sleep and exercise your mind regularly as you read and solve problems.
"In addition, reduce the time spent on social media. Prolonged social media use is badociated with an increase in the number of psychological disorders, including depression, especially among 10 to 19 year olds. Limit the time you spend around toxic people with negative habits and behavior. Avoid intoxicants such as alcohol, nicotine and drugs. "

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