What is "dry drowning" and what are the signs and symptoms that parents should watch for?


Parents should be informed of the risk of "drowning" [Photo: Getty]
Parents should be informed of the risk of "drowning" [Photo: Getty]

The summer holidays are fast approaching and many families will head to the pool, accompanied by their grandchildren.

While many parents are well aware of the risk of drowning, some may not be as aware of what is known as "dry drowning", which can impact children long after they are out of the water. .

In addition, although rare, the disease can be fatal.

One of the last cases to make headlines is a 4-year-old girl who almost died of "dry drowning" after swimming in her grandparents' pool.

Elianna Grace, of Sarasota, USA, was taking a bath of water when she inadvertently swallowed pool water after an incident with a swimming noodle.

The water immediately caused the child to vomit, but two days after the incident, Elianna developed a fever.

Although it seemed to diminish, the fever increased again and the little girl was transported to the hospital.

She was diagnosed with chemical pneumonitis, aspiration pneumonia and perihilar edema.

The water in his lungs had caused both inflammation and a life-threatening infection, but luckily it was still possible to treat it.

In a Facebook publication detailing the incident, the girl's mother explained that part of her decision to seek immediate medical help was the hearing of a 4-year-old boy dying of "dry drowning" ".

Now she is trying to educate other parents to help them become aware of the risks.

What is "dry drowning"?

"Dry drowning is a disease that primarily affects children," said Dr. Diana Gall of Doctor4U Yahoo UK.

"While most people badociate drowning with an event that occurs in the water, dry drowning occurs most often once the child is out of the pool or sea. "

According to Dr. Gall, "dry drowning" occurs when a small amount of water is inhaled through the nose or mouth.

"It causes spasm in the airways, making breathing harder for the child," she says.

"Water does not always enter the lungs because of the narrowing of the airways, but it can still be dangerous.

"Dry drowning is also known as immersion injury, fortunately it is a rare event, but it is still important to know the signs and symptoms," he says. she.

Although rare,
Although rare, "dry drowning" can be fatal [Photo: Getty]

Although symptoms of dry drowning often occur immediately, there is a similar condition called "secondary drowning" that can take up to 24 hours to develop.

Here, water enters the lungs and begins to accumulate over time before eventually preventing children from breathing.

However, the symptoms of both conditions are exactly the same and include coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing and fatigue.

Unfortunately, several children died as a result of a dry or secondary drowning.

In 2017, a four-year-old boy tragically died a week after swimming in Texas.

Frankie Delgado was suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, but his parents thought that it was simply a stomach virus.

He was then taken to the hospital, where doctors found water in the lungs and around the heart.

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What are the signs and symptoms that parents should watch for?

According to Dr. Gall, symptoms include: elbow, difficulty breathing or changes in breathing, drowsiness very soon after being in the water (which could indicate lack of oxygen), forgetfulness or behavior changes such as irritability and vomiting.

"Some children may also feel chest pain," she adds. "These signs usually appear within 1-24 hours of leaving the water."

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What should parents do if they think children are suffering from "drowning"?

"Dry drowning can be fatal if the signs are not recognized. It is therefore important to take your child to the nearest emergency department if you notice any of the above symptoms after being exposed to water, "warns Dr. Gall.

She also suggests to warn a lifeguard if there are any nearby.

"The hospital may want to do an x-ray of your child to check for fluid in the lungs. Some may need oxygen to increase blood flow to the lungs and allow them to breathe comfortably again, "she says.

And before parents swear never again to allow their children to swim, Dr. Gall points out that the disease is very rare and that, if taken in time, it is fully treatable.

"Dry drowning is a fully treatable disease if symptoms are detected early enough," she says.

"However, prevention is always better than cure, so make sure your children know about water safety and watch them at all times while they are in the water," adds -t it.

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