What is the best late night snack to lose weight?


A few nights ago it was 22 hours. and I realized: oh no. I was hungry.

I'm trying not to eat after 9pm. At the university, many midnight burritos have learned that late-night snacks just do not work for me; I inevitably end up sleeping, swollen and waking up with a stomach ache or, one way or another, with ravenous hunger. But at the same time, going to bed hungry, it's like I'm depriving myself, and sleep is not really easy when your stomach is actively scolding. It's hard to find that balance, especially when you hear that eating before going to bed can potentially lead to weight gain or at least hinder the achievement of your weight loss goals.

Will I eat before I gain weight?

If you're really hungry, no matter what time of day, even if you're trying to lose weight, you should be eating something, said Erin Coates, dietician at Cleveland Clinic Wellness. "Your body knows how to measure when you need food," she told POPSUGAR. The only problem with eating at night, she said, is that it's a time when you might be more inclined to eat out of habit rather than hunger.

The solution is to find out why you really eat at night. "Be aware of your emotions about nighttime consumption and the loss of your hunger," Erin said. Do you just want to have a snack by habit, or because you feel stressed or worried, or are you really hungry?

It's hard to know if you're really hungry, but it can help you fight overeating and weight gain. Erin's thing is to do it at night, when treats abound: turn on a bright light over the head, put away or turn off all the distractions (like your phone or your television) and sit down at your desk. table with your snack. Concentrate and ask yourself if you are eating out of habit or if you are really hungry. "This simple gesture can help you stay aware of what you eat and what you eat," Erin told POPSUGAR.

How long do I have to eat to lose weight?

"I like to suggest closing the kitchen at least two hours before bedtime, if possible," said Erin. You do not want your digestive system to work excessively all night long, she explained. your body should be focused on rest, repair and rejuvenation, not on digestion. Eating just before going to bed, and especially eating something bad for your health (or later) can disrupt your sleep or get tired in the morning.

It's fine to take a small snack before going to bed once in a while, but if you have trouble waiting two hours between eating and sleeping, "it might be wise to reevaluate the amount of food you eat during the day "Erin told POPSUGAR. You may need to add more fiber, lean protein or healthy fats to make your meals and snacks more plentiful. Try these quick and satisfying breakfast recipes or these healthy meal ideas.

What is the best bedtime snack to lose weight?

If you're really hungry before going to bed, Erin gave you some suggestions for healthy snacks to help you reach your weight loss goals.

  • Dry apricots and an ounce of dark chocolate + 70%: In the late evening, want to smoke? Same. Dark chocolate can help satisfy this, while providing healthy antioxidants like flavonoids. Apricots also contain antioxidants as well as tryptophan, which, according to Erin, helps provide your body with melatonin (a hormone that can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle).
  • Six ounces plain yogurt, half banana and cinnamon: Bananas give you potbadium and magnesium, minerals that Erin believes can relax your muscles and help you sleep. Yogurt, on the other hand, provides lean protein to help you stay satisfied.
  • A quarter cup of mashed avocado: The avocado satisfies your hunger (healthy fats!) And provides nutrients like magnesium and tryptophan that help you sleep better, Erin told POPSUGAR.
  • A tablespoon of almond butter: "Almonds are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, as well as healthy fats to relieve your hunger," said Erin.

You want to avoid eating fatty, high-fat foods such as fried meats, heavily processed meats, and rich desserts, Erin said. "These foods hinder your digestion and can make you feel more tired and slower in the morning," she said. Foods high in sugar can also disrupt your sleep by causing dips and peaks in your blood sugar. And losing sleep results in lower energy the next day, added Erin, causing you to crack sweet foods and take you back to your weight loss goals.

"Eating a small snack of 100 to 200 calories just before bed will probably not hinder your progress on the scale, if you have real stomach rumblings in the evening," said Erin. An intense hunger can actually wake you up during the night and do not forget that a quality sleep is also essential for losing weight. The key is to replace all old habits of less healthy nighttime snacks with new routines. If you realize you're not really hungry, Erin suggested "try stretching or gentle yoga, talk to your partner or roommate, write a newspaper or call a friend instead." You will get the same reward that relieves stress, minus the potential mishap in your weight loss journey.

But if you are hungry? Take a healthy snack and enjoy. You do not have to go to bed hungry in the name of losing weight.

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