What new research shows about adolescent girls and the risk of suicide


New data show how many young children have attempted suicide.

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Adolescent girls, especially girls, have become more likely to commit suicide in recent years. Getty Images

The researchers found that a growing number of children and adolescents across the country were trying to hurt themselves or kill themselves by using over-the-counter or prescription drugs.

This trend is reflected in new data released by the New Jersey Poison Control Center.

According to a press release published this week, 100 cases of pre-teens trying to commit suicide by drug overdose have been reported to the center since January 2018.

Of these cases, 68 were children aged 12 years. Twenty were eleven, seven, ten, and nine.

In almost 80% of the reported cases, the pre-teenager was a girl.

"These are just cases where we have received a call at the New Jersey poison control center," Bruce Ruck, PharmD, RPH, general manager of the center, told Rheid.

Additional cases of overdose suicide attempts among preadolescents have likely occurred in the state, but have not been reported.

Overdose suicide attempts are a growing problem among young people, not only in New Jersey, but also in other parts of the country.

When researchers at the National Children's Hospital (NCH) looked at this issue at the national level, they found that the number of children and adolescents who attempted suicide by auto-intoxication was increasing. The rate has increased dramatically in the last 10 years, especially among girls.

"From 2010 to 2018, there was a 141% increase in the number of auto-intoxication suicide attempts among 10-15 year olds," said John Ackerman, PhD, co-author of the study and national coordinator of suicide prevention for the Research Center. Suicide prevention and research at NHC, told Healthline.

"Our data indicate that the rate of increase among young girls was much higher than among boys," he added.

While boys are more likely to commit suicide, girls are more likely to try it.

This can be explained in part by the different methods used to attempt suicide.

Boys tend to use more lethal methods on average, such as shooting or hanging.

Girls tend to use less deadly methods on average, such as self-poisoning.

According to Ackerman, it is important to take all cases of suicide attempts seriously, including auto-intoxication suicide attempts.

"There is a danger in either intentional self-poisoning or suggesting that it is a cry for help, when a suicide attempt is a reflection of intense emotional pain and at least a desire to end to his days, "he said.

"Our data also suggests that the consequences of these attempts are increasing in severity," continued Ackerman.

While an increasing number of girls have attempted suicide by self-intoxication, an increasing number of them have died by suicide.

Recent research found that suicide by other means has also become increasingly common among girls over the last decade.

More young people in total attempt to commit suicide and die by suicide, and girls are a growing part of it.

Henry Spiller, MS, senior author of the National Study and Director of the Poison Center Center of Ohio at NCH, wants people to know that help is available.

"Many studies show that after a first attempt, if you get help, the likelihood of a second attempt or a complete suicide drops dramatically," he said. declared.

More research is needed to understand why the rate of suicide attempts is increasing among young people – and why it is increasing faster for girls.

Some experts believe that changes in the way young people connect online could play a role.

"We believe that there may be a significant badociation with changes to social media or smartphones," Spiller said.

"You can look at this data before 2000 and the numbers are relatively stable," he continued, "and then suddenly to 2010 and 2011, with the increasing introduction of smartphones and social applications, the number of suicide attempts has significantly increased".

Social media and other online platforms can enable young people to communicate with their peers, share their points of view, and hear others' points of view.

But the Internet can also expose young people to cyberbullying, information about how to die by suicide and other potential risks, some of which may disproportionately affect girls.

"At this difficult stage of life when you are building your own identity and self-esteem, the constant contribution of others in the form of clicks, preferences, and sharing can be problematic," said Ackerman.

"We also know that excessive use of the phone interferes with sleep, physical activity and reduces face-to-face contact, all of which are essential for good emotional and psychological functioning," she said. he added.

To help reduce the risk of suicide, it is important to provide mental health support to those who have warning signs of suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

"While it may sound complex or frightening for parents, doctors and other adults, we should not be afraid to speak openly and directly about suicide when we fear that a youth is showing signs of it," he said. said Ackerman.

"For parents and teachers, we can not overemphasize the importance of emotionally monitoring children from an early age and giving them tools to express their difficulties and give them the confidence to talk to a trusted adult. when they are in distress, "he continued.

Ackerman also encourages parents and other caregivers to help youth set healthy boundaries with respect to their social media and their use of technology.

It is also important to limit their access to drugs or other means of self-harm, such as firearms.

"When it comes to self-intoxication, access to prescription and over-the-counter medications is a big problem," explained Ackerman.

"Many families do not engage in safe storage practices, which can be very problematic," he added.

Youth who attempt suicide by spontaneous poisoning often use over-the-counter medications or home-based prescription drugs.

"If over-the-counter medications are what's available, that's what is taken. If mom's antidepressant is available, that's what is taken. If daddy's arthritis medications are available, that's what they take, "said Ruck.

"They take what they have access to," he added.

To reduce the risk of accidental or intentional overdose in children and adolescents, Ruck and Ackerman recommend locking down medications and safely removing the pills that are no longer needed.

If you or someone you know is planning to commit suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or send the START text message to 741741. If a person has a suspected case of poisoning, you can ask advice to the poison control service -222-1222. In case of medical emergency, call 911 or consult a local hospital.

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