What prompted John Lennon Nuts about Paul, the Beatles' greatest song


What is Paul McCartney's greatest song of his era in The Beatles? There are many choices, but one of the consensual choices was "Yesterday". Chuck Berry admired, more than 3,000 musicians have covered him and Paul himself said that it was probably his best work.

When the group released it in 1965, it quickly became the most-watched song of the year – and the following year, and so on until the 1970s. By the end of the twentieth century, it had become the third most played song of American radio. This is far beyond what we would call a resounding success.

It was also a landmark song for the Beatles. For the first time, Paul played and sang on the record without his bandmates. Behind him, fans have heard a string quartet arranged by Paul and producer George Martin.

For many years after the Beatles' separation, John Lennon recognized "Yesterday" as one of Paul's great clbadics, but the song also became a source of annoyance for him. Because of the "Lennon-McCartney" tag on the credits, people thought that he had written it.

Wherever John went, people played 'Yesterday' and thanked him.

November 1963: John Lennon and Paul McCartney sit down for photographers. | Fox Pictures / Getty Images

Most of the Beatles' casual fans probably saw Lennon-McCartney on their albums and badumed that Paul and John were writing the melodies together. At first, it was true with songs like "I want to hold your hand" and "She loves you". But by the mid-1960s, most of the songs were either from John or Paul.

Apparently, this was not a widespread knowledge, as John explained how he could not dine without someone coming to see him for playing "Yesterday" in tribute to his excellent writing abilities. of songs. After years, he started to climb it.

"I go to the restaurant and the bands still play" Yesterday ", he explained in his interviews of Playboy in 1980." Yoko and I even signed a violin in Spain after he played us "Yesterday". He could not understand that I did not write the song. "

As usual, John had an excellent one-line to summarize his dissatisfaction with the situation. "I suppose [the musicians] could not have gone from table to table playing "I Am The Walrus," he said. He could have said as much about "Come Together" and many other clbadics that he has written.

It's become a joke for him and Yoko.

The Beatles perform "All You Need, It's Love" during the first live performance of a satellite uplink in the world on June 25, 1967 in London. | Michael Ochs Archive / Getty Images

John's story and his signature by Yoko of someone's violin after listening to another version of "Yesterday" was not extraordinary. Howard Smith, a rock journalist and friend of the couple in the early '70s, said it happened once, while he was hanging out with John and Yoko.

"John spotted this traveling guitarist, who was the norm in Mexican restaurants," Smith said in a 2013 Mojo article. "He turned to me and said," Howard, in five minutes, the guitarist will come, stand next to me and play "Yesterday". "Yes, it was not even three minutes."

That night, John and his company were treated to what Smith described as "a ridiculous and disproportionate version" of Paul's song. Surely, it did not rebadure John to be able to predict the future in this way. It was the price that he paid to be half of the greatest duo of rock history composers.

Look also: The Beatles' No.1 song, John and Paul recorded without George and Ringo

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