- Your skin may peel for many reasons, but the most common cause is dehydrated skin.
- By making some changes to your daily routine, you can significantly help your skin to peel.
- If your peeling skin is caused by something other than lack of moisture, you should consult a certified dermatologist.
Face the skin that peels? You are not alone. In fact, a Mbadachusetts dermatologist, Papri Sarkar, told INSIDER that it was a fairly common problem in the winter. "The drop in humidity, the colder temperatures and the icy breezes can really affect your skin," she said. Sarkar noted that if your skin is too dry, it means that your skin barrier is damaged or diminished.
But Sarkar added that there are other less common factors that can cause skin peeling. Bacterial or fungal infections (usually on your feet) can cause your skin to peel. Sarkar also pointed out that sunburns can also cause peeling. It is therefore important to wear sunscreen when you run down the slopes. Of course, Sarkar adds that there are many other less common causes of skin peeling, such as genetic diseases and other rare medical problems. For those, she recommends seeing a certified dermatologist.
The good news is that there are different ways to treat skin that peels, especially if it is dry. Below, Sarkar gives INSIDER 10 tips to deal with it.
Turn down the heat in your shower
Our skin is designed to be a strong fortress against external attacks, said Sarkar. She compared the top layer of our skin to a brick wall: the skin cells (keratinocytes) are the bricks and the mortar (the gap between the bricks) is made up of oil or lipids. "Hot water ravages the lipids of our skin, leaving cracks and openings in our defenses against the outside world," said Sarkar. "In addition, this robust brick and mortar structure is there to keep the good things, such as moisture, in. With deficiencies in our defenses, we lose valuable resources such as that hydration. "
Get a humidifier
Because your skin loses water faster in the winter, Sarkar has recommended adding moisture to your environment. How are you doing that? With a humidifier.
"Ideally, I recommend at least having one in your room when you sleep," Sarkar said. If that's not an option, Sarkar said you can fill a bathtub with water in your living space and let it evaporate in the air. "It's not as effective, but it's better than nothing at all," she said.
Apply a thick moisturizer (right now)
It turns out that the moisturizer does not add a lot of moisture to your skin. "Instead, it's good enough to keep the moisture that's already in your skin out there," Sarkar said. "That's why it's imperative that when you're bothered to apply a moisturizer, you apply it on wet skin." Sarkar suggested putting a thick moisturizer after a shower without completely mopping it.
If you do not have time to shower but still want to get the most out of your moisturizer, Sarkar has recommended you to use your sink. "Put a thin layer of water on your arm, then a moisturizer, then continue with the rest of your body."
Put soap in non-essential places
If you have dry, peeling skin, it's best to avoid foam all over your body because soap can dry out your skin even more, Sarkar said. "Unless you're struggling in the mud, you can just clean your armpits and your private space," she said. "Getting water on the rest of you is the key so you can apply a thick moisturizer after, but you do not need to soap your calves every day unless they look dirty. "
Lower the heat in your home
With outdoor temperatures falling, you may be inclined to increase the heat in your home. But Sarkar said that warm air can also irritate your skin that peels. "Keeping your high heat will usually dry out the air and cause a decrease in humidity in your environment, which will make dry skin worse."
Avoid exfoliation
If your skin is peeling, your first instinct may be to exfoliate to get a smooth skin. But Sarkar said that skin exfoliation might not be the best choice. "If your skin barrier is already beaten, I do not recommend exfoliating it," she said. "In fact, excessive exfoliation can also cause skin peeling.This is unfortunately one of the most common causes of an inflamed and damaged skin barrier that I see in the clinic."
Give up treatments for acne
Explode? You may want to pile on all the acne medications, but Sarkar said it would only make your skin look better. "Acne patients think that they can neutralize pimples with powerful exfoliants and active ingredients, but this tends to turn around and cause more damage and inflammation in the short term," he says. she said. "Slow and steady is usually always better with skin care in general."
Stick to a non-irritating make-up
It's not because your skin is peeling that you do not have to wear makeup, Sarkar said. But she noted that it's best to avoid make-up containing certain ingredients. "I ask patients to avoid makeup with retinol, salicylic acid or other irritating active ingredients," she said.
If you're struggling to make sure your makeup is smooth while peeling your skin, Sarkar has suggested using a mild ointment at night to repair your skin barrier overnight. "Alternatively, you can apply a primer, a thin layer, oil or an ointment to your face before you make up and hold it in place with a fixing powder," she said.
Put on gloves
Is the skin of your hands peeling off? Sarkar has a quick fix. "On the hands, skin that peels can be managed by soaking it then applying cream and then putting on gloves," she said. "If there is a high degree of inflammation, dermatologists also add a topical anti-inflammatory cream."
See a dermatologist
If you have to peel the skin and the skin is not dry, it is best to consult a certified dermatologist. As Sarkar has already mentioned, fungal infections, genetic diseases or other problems can cause the peeling of your skin and need to be treated by a professional.
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